Monday, September 30, 2019

Auto Mobile vs Amusement Park Safety Essay

Automobile’s today are built with many different safety features, and these are so the person(s) within the vehicle do not get injured and or killed. Also these features are not to only protect the people(s) but also the company that the automobile came from, so for example if someone was driving a car and got into a serious wreck and the air bags did not deploy therefore injuring the victim then they could sue the automobile company for money, a new car, pain and suffering, etc. Some of these safety features include Brakes, Airbags, seat belts, and more. When talking about brakes in a car you’re going to want to know what it is your getting because there are many different options in brakes, some examples of this being your regular brakes like you push down the peddle softly and the car with start to slow down or Anti-Lock Brakes or ABS, The primary purpose of anti-lock brakes is to prevent a car’s wheels from locking during panic braking. By allowing the car to slow in a more controlled manner, the driver can often maintain better steering control and avoid an accident. Brakes can easily be interpreted by Newton’s first law of motion which states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. So a car is moving along the road and the car steps of the gas now the car will eventually stop from the friction of the pavement to the tires but let’s say it doesn’t. So while the car is moving at the speed you let off the gas the car will keep moving at the same speed unless acted on by an opposing force which in this case are the brakes. Know the brakes are applied and what brakes do is they but force of the tiers of the car and that produces friction on the tiers which in term slow the tires down thus slowing the car down. Airbags in a car are extreme safety features because they keep a person(s) from potentially coming out of the front window; seat belts will also do the same but with a little more added protection. So say a car were to hit you from behind what would happen? Well besides your car being wrecked. The body(s) would start moving forward. This is because of part of Newton’s first law of motion which states a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by another force. So your car is sitting at a stop light but the car behind you does not stop so they run into the back of you well your body will fly forward. Because you were at rest and then a force came and pushed you out of rest therefore moving you in the same direction as the car that hit you. So the air bag and seat belt are there to stop you from flying forward and getting severely injured. Amusement park rides and cars have some of the same safety features and even if there not called the same thing they do the same thing for example a seat belt in a car is the same as the harness on a roller coaster. In my opinion I find roller coasters safer then cars because there are equipped with the same features but there are few outside forces to mess with it unlike a car. Because unless due to a technical problem a roller coaster cart will not smash into another roller coaster cart. Amusement park rides also have brakes most of these are more heavy duty breaks then car but then again your taking a one ton car vs. a potentially one hundred ton ride so you’re going to need that extra power to help. Some would argue that to many safety features on an amusement park ride can take the thrill away, I would have to disagree with that because I myself have been on many and I feel thrill every single time. But in a ride if there are many safety features then usual then that will typically mean that the ride is potentially more dangerous than a lesser safety featured ride and this can be because of high speeds, higher altitudes and so on. So if you come to a ride with many safety features it’s not because they want to take away the thrill but because they want to make you safe and once again like automobile company’s not get sued.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Erythropoietin and Athletes

Erythropoietin and Athletes Steven D. Jackson Student, American Military University Abstract Erythropoietin (EPO) use as a performance enhancing agent in sport carries both significant and detrimental risks to go along with its suggested benefits. As such, it was banned by the International Olympic Committee in 1990. Shortly thereafter, successful and reliable testing methods have been developed to test athletes for its potential use.Despite widespread knowledge of its potential adverse effects and the testing for its attempted use, EPO use remains substantial amongst endurance athletes of nearly all ages and disciplines, both professional and amateur. This paper will provide a history of EPO as a performance enhancing substance, explain its associated risks and perceived and actual benefits, attempt to analyze why athletes feel compelled to use it, and examine the sanctions, regulations, and weighty repercussions associated with its use. Erythropoietin and AthletesIn sport, there ar e a virtually limitless number of ways in which one can influence or positively impact physical or mental performance. These methods can come in the form of mechanical aids, pharmacological aids, physiological aids, nutritional aids, and psychological aids. Regardless of its source, any means by which one seeks to improve performance by enhancing the physiological capacity of a particular system of the body, removing psychological constraints which adversely affect performance, or by accelerating recovery from training or competition is called an ergogenic aid (MacKenzie, 2001).These may include something as simple and innocuous as a healthy meal consumed the night prior to a competition, but seemingly, the ergogenic aids which athletes are turning to more increasingly are those that have been banned by organizations such as the World Anti-Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee, and the like. Often, these substances have been banned because they not only represent perver se and unethical behavior, but also, as is the case for a substance like recombinant erythropoietin, because they can have serious adverse health effects for heir users. Over time, these substances have changed, but the desire to gain an unfair competitive advantage remains. Hematopoiesis is the process which involves the production of mature cells in the blood and in lymphoid organs. Mature erythrocytes, or red blood cells, have no nucleus, so they cannot reproduce in the traditional fashion as other cells can. Erythropoiesis, then, is the process by which erythrocytes are produced. Erythropoietin is a naturally occurring hormone found within the human body which controls this red blood cell production.It is released by the kidneys, and to a lesser extent the liver, and in very little quantities in the brain in response to a negative feedback. The physiological stimulus of erythropoietin production is hypoxia, or prolonged oxygen deficiency in body tissue, and in the majority of in stances is related to the number of circulating erythrocytes within the kidneys. At high altitudes, for example, where the pressure oxygen in the air is reduced, oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues initially decreases.This drop in oxygen triggers the release of erythropoietin, which travels via the blood to the red bone marrow and stimulates red blood cell production (Shier, Butler, & Lewis, 2011). This is important to note, as this negative feedback of loss in oxygen is essentially no different than the body observing a loss in blood, which also necessitates the release of erythropoietin. In cases of hemolysis or hemorrhage, erythrocyte production will also increase rapidly and substantially for the body to attempt to accommodate for the amount of blood lost.However, overproduction of erythrocytes does not occur, both in extreme hypoxic environments and even after the most severe loss of erythrocytes (Robinson, et al. , 2006). This balance is very important, because adequa te oxygen delivery to tissues depends on having a sufficient number of red blood cells to transport oxygen. Decreases in their number or function can hinder oxygen delivery and thus affect exercise performance. Red blood cells serve a primary function of facilitating this transport of oxygen, which is bound to the hemoglobin found in red blood cells.Hemoglobin contains iron, which binds oxygen. As such, the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is determined by its hemoglobin content. Accordingly, when hemoglobin levels fall, exercise performance is subsequently impaired. Being familiar with this, athletes, trainers, and coaches often practice iron supplementation in an effort to prevent anemia and attempt to boost hemoglobin levels. However, this supplementation cannot boost the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity beyond that which is normal.Consequently, doctors, trainers, and athletes have come up with various alternative means to try to boost blood’s oxygen-carrying capac ity, and in turn boost performance (Mottram, 2011). In traditional medical settings, the need for a means to raise red blood cell counts in patients suffering from kidney failure in order to alleviate their extreme anemia, as they have so few red blood cells that they typically experience near-permanent exhaustion. The demand for a way to treat these kidney patients precipitated the development of synthesized erythropoietin.There was no question that they needed red blood cells, and the proposition of providing them via erythropoietin seemed logically safer than the more natural and traditional repeated transfusions and dialysis. The same logic applied to the much larger number of people whose kidneys were weak or damaged, but not yet failing. Raising their red blood cell count, and subsequently their hemoglobin levels, up to a normal amount like the more attractive option, and it was only a matter of time before it could be discovered (Burch, 2011).In 1985, the gene responsible for the synthesis of erythropoietin was successfully cloned for the first time. This synthesized erythropoietin is known as recombinant erythropoietin, and first became available in Europe in 1987 and was later patented by Amgen in 1989 (Mottram). With this development, it quickly became evident that recombinant erythropoietin would be used illegally as a performance enhancer in endurance sports. As such, the International Olympic Committee elected to ban this drug in 1990, even though all forms of blood doping had been officially banned since 1984 (Robinson, et al. ).In its earliest clinical trials, recombinant erythropoietin proved very successful, and it was quickly put to use with patients requiring their hemoglobin be raised to normal levels. The trials showed the drug’s benefits outweighed its risks, but not by much. In 2005, researchers and kidney specialists concluded their trials ahead of schedule when they were stunned by what they found. After years of raising red blo od cell counts in patients to normal healthy levels, which also raised their hematocrit—the proportion of red blood cells to total blood volume—doctors were not seeing decreased occurrences of troke, heart complications, and even death. These rates were actually increasing. Therein laid the problem with EPO use, especially in uncontrolled environments and when used by athletes (Burch). Before EPO’s adverse effects were widely known, and to a great extent even today, its proposed benefits led to its immediate abuse by endurance athletes. The first cases were reported in several newspapers within the four years after recombinant EPO appeared in Europe. These articles claimed a link between rumored EPO abuse and the deaths of 18 Belgian and Dutch cyclists.This unfortunate wave seemed to roll on for some time, seemingly striking hardest amongst in the sport of cycling, and often resulting in death. For some time, cyclists publicly denied using EPO, but at the 1998 T our de France, a masseuse for the Festina team was caught with EPO and several other banned drugs. The entire team and its staff were ejected from the Tour, and eventually seven of the nine Festina riders admitted to doping. Even the winner that year, Marco Pantani, was ejected the following year for signs of EPO use in an earlier drug test (Eichner, 2007).Though the bulk of EPO use reported in the media comes from cycling, other sports are not free from it. Chinese runners, swimmers, and rowers, Russia’s top female cross-country skiers, Finland’s tops skiers, and Germany’s top runners all have been caught for suspected EPO use of some kind or another. Russian and American runners and sprinters, including American sprinter Kelli White, have been stripped of medals and handed bans for their admitted EPO use after failing drug tests.Even Lance Armstrong—who has always denied any EPO use—has been suspected of illegal EPO use brought about by claims of his former teammates (Eichner). Perhaps the greatest contributing factor for the prevalence of continued illegal EPO use is in its difficulty of detection. While some athletes may think that they are using a drug for which there is no means of detection, which is not the case, others may simply know that EPO can be a very elusive drug to detect.Early detection strategies for EPO use as a drug were limited to blood testing only. Though blood tests could confirm inconsistent hematocrit levels and other blood markers compared to base samples in athletes who may have been using EPO supplementation up to, and sometimes over, a week prior, or those that had been using EPO when they originally provided a base sample and had discontinued its use, a direct method for detection in urine had yet to be established.Furthermore, early attempts at developing a urine test proved to be expensive, overly sensitive, and unreliable. Since blood doping had been common practice in some endurance sports for decades due to its clear performance advantages, it regrettably became even more attractive once recombinant EPO became available. Athletes have exploited these limitations of testing, particularly in sports that relied solely on urine specimen testing (Robinson, et al. . Successful urine testing had finally been developed and came into the picture in 2000. Serving as the only direct method of recombinant erythropoietin detection approved by the Court of Arbitration for sport, this method utilized electrophoretic techniques to separate the isoform profiles of recombinant and endogenous erythropoietin found in urine according to their isoelectric points (Diamanti-Kandarakis, et al. , 2005).Not only could this newly approved testing mathematically and scientifically identify EPO use—or discontinuation of its use—but it could also isolate the various forms of forms of EPO, including erythropoietin alpha, beta, omega, and delta, as well as newer generations of EPO anal ogues like darbepoetin and mimetic peptides. The disadvantage of such an effective urine testing method, however, was that it discouraged athletes from recombinant EPO use. Athletes now fearful of getting caught moved back to using—or rather misusing—blood doping and transfusions in an attempt to raise hematocrit and hemoglobin levels.For that reason, some international sports federations elected to limit their testing to either blood or urine. However, more recently the trend has been to attempt to keep their current testing procedures randomized (Robinson, et al. ). The risks of illegal EPO use remain high. Some athletes choose to supplement with EPO in smaller doses with the intent of limiting their potential exposure in drug tests, and, just as likely, with the expectation that this practice would be â€Å"safer. Regardless, the results of EPO use are largely unpredictable, and tests have revealed that hematocrit values in EPO users can greatly exceed what is cons idered the healthy or normal upper limit of 50 percent. Once the hormone has been put in the body, the athlete is at great risk for substantial increases in blood viscosity. This places the individual in danger of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, hypertension, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. However, with the ever-increasing pressures to excel in competition, and the draw of larger rizes, purses, sponsorships, and notoriety in sport today it is not beyond reason as to why teams, athletes, trainers, and coaches would feel compelled to explore an option which may offer athletes a clinically documented six to eight percent increase in their VO2max and 13 to 17 percent increased time to exhaustion (Kenney, Wilmore, & Costill, 2012). Athletes who use banned EPO also risk disqualification from a particular competition, with the risk apparently greater if the athlete’s result is good, as the top-placing finishers in competitions almost certainly are subje ct to testing more and more frequently.They can also be banned from their sport, typically for a minimum of a year, but potentially for life. In their quest for enhanced performance, athletes can easily get caught up in the hype surrounding these sorts of substances and the purported benefits they might bestow. Unfortunately, too many athletes are blinded by ambition and do not consider the consequences of their actions until their careers have become jeopardized or their health has been seriously affected.Considering recent reports of even amateur athletes being dealt bans and imposed fines after testing positive for EPO use in events that are considered recreational, the need is definitely present for the likes of the World Anti-Doping Agency and the International Olympic Committee to take more aggressive and decisive action in the battle against doping and illegal drug use. The misuse of medical and biotechnological advancements to enhance athletic performance is an issue that wi ll clearly not go away on its own.It is imperative for sports federations to be able to collect blood samples from their competitors and institute a continuity system which keeps track of appropriate individual values. The appropriate way to fight blood doping and EPO use is to markers for each individual athlete to have a record of each marker and measure of their blood. In this way it will not be necessary to take into account complicating factors during testing and analysis such as sex, ethnic origin, and the kind of sport in which the athlete is participating.With a system such as this, it would be possible to identify which athletes are manipulating their bodies based on their own set reference values and markers over time. This, combined random, unannounced testing is the only way currently possible to effectively mitigate doping. Even still, it is supremely difficult for sports organizations and control agencies in sport to stay ahead of the always sophisticated doping method s. Summary Erythropoietin and all of its forms were developed with the intent of rehabilitating and alleviating the extreme symptoms of kidney patients.Their appeal is strong to competitive athletes, especially with more and more on the line each year. Despite their undeniable ability to enhance performance, EPO can cause serious negative health effects. In an era where performance-enhancing drug abuse is rampant across nearly all disciplines of sports despite rigorous legislation and testing throughout the world, it is necessary to understand the harmful effects of all substances when considering their use.The undesirable effects of EPO use are virtually countless, but—and perhaps worse yet—the potential long-term effects of chronic use are not well known. References Burch, D. (2011). Blood sports. Natural History 119(6), 14-16. Diamanti-Kandarakis, E. , Konstantinopoulos, P. , Papiliou, J. , Kandarakis, S. , Andreopoulos, A. , Sykiotis, G. (2005). Erythropoietin abus e and erythropoietin gene doping. Sports Medicine, 35(10), 831-840. Eichner, E. (2007). Blood doping. Sports Medicine, 37(4/5), 389-391. Kenney, L. W. , Wilmore, J. H. , & Costill, D. L. (2012).Physiology of sport and exercise (5th ed. ). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Mackenzie, B (2001). Ergogenic aids. Retrieved from http://www. brianmac. co. uk/ergoaids. htm Mottram, D. R. (2011) Drugs in sport (5th ed. ). New York: Routledge. Robinson, N. N. , Giraud, S. S. , Saudan, C. C, Baume, N. N. , Avois, L. L, Mangin, P. P. , & Saugy, M. M. (2006). Erythropoietin and blood doping. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40, i30- i34. Shier, D. , Butler, J. , & Lewis, R. (2012). Hole’s essentials of human anatomy & physiology (11th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Social Welfare and Social Work Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Welfare and Social Work Practice - Essay Example The Scandinavian Model attempts to provide benefits to all citizens on an equal footing, regardless of employment status. In contrast, The Beveridge Model seeks to provide benefits to those citizens perceived as experiencing "the greatest need" (Ploug). First advocated by the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the third model benefits most "those who have been on the labour market" (Ploug), and the fourth model places the burden of welfare on the family. It is with the first two of these models, and the countries in which they are practiced, that this essay is concerned. Quality of life is in large part dictated by the way in which a state runs its welfare policies. Such concepts as social cohesion versus social exclusion are important identifiers of the quality of life that is typical in a state. These things influence and are influenced by such variables as citizenship, migration, and even the state of the family units. State welfare policies often have much to say on these topics. Though many are the domestic factors influencing the direction of a state's policies, these policies are often also influenced by outside factors, such as trade and senior governing bodies. Since its inception, the European Union has implemented policies that have affected the way its member states carry out their own social welfare policies. This supranational body was developed over several decades, and now comprises 25 co-operating European countries. It recognizes its principal goal as being "to promote and expand cooperation among member states in economics and trade, social issues, foreign policy, security and defense, and judicial matters" (Urwin, 2005). Based on the fact that a major goal of the EU is the unification of the European market and the reduction of economic disparities among the member states, many of the policies with which it is concerned also affect the social welfare policies of its member states (2005). In addition, lobbyists for several causes frequent its gates in order to influence the formulation of policy. Though the extent to which the EU exerts influence on its member states is varied, the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries have h ad to make changes or adjustments to their policies in response to the actions of the European Union. This essay will, therefore, discuss the similarities and differences of the two models represented in these regions in light of social cohesion and exclusion, migration, citizenship and family life. It will also examine the two models in light of ways in which they have changed as a result of the influence of the European Union. The term "Scandinavian welfare model" specifically defines the method of state-run welfare as it exists in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The type of welfare system represented in this model is often placed in what is known as the "Social-Democratic" camp, though this does not necessarily mean that its tenets are supported solely by the socialist parties of those countries (Ploug). The system is, however, based on the idea of equality, and it recognizes what it considers the right that each individual possesses to the opportunities that will secure a good quality of life. This, therefore, is provided to all citizens regardless of their social or employment status. On the other hand, the social welfare model adopted by the United Kingdom (also known as the Beveridge model) is placed in what is known as the liberal camp. This system was developed "to encourage the provision

Friday, September 27, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plagiarism - Essay Example It is considered as serious offence in academic area and students found in doing plagiarism can face severe punishment. It can be from failing grade in assignment to failing grade in that particular course. In worst case of repeated plagiarism by the students, can leads to suspension/expulsion or revoking of degree and awards. Nowadays, plagiarism is very easier as it is very easy to find information using internet. For avoiding plagiarism, one must give credit for another persons’ ideas and opinion; provide correct source for facts, statistics, graphs, drawing and images ; and provide proper citations for quoting and paraphrasing of actual spoken or written words (Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It). Three important steps for avoiding plagiarism are using as many citations for supporting ideas, improving note-taking skills and using the appropriate style manual for style use (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Taking carefully note and properly acknowledging or giving the source of the information is the best way of avoiding the plagiarism in online microbiology

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A cross sectional study of tension headache among Ahlia University Thesis

A cross sectional study of tension headache among Ahlia University male students in the Kingdom of Bahrain - Thesis Example Technology has become the mantra of this generation. Cyber technology has allowed people to access the world at their fingertips. No matter how comfortable life today is, we cannot deny the fact that more and more people are being stressed a lot. We now live in a fast-paced environment where people wake up early in the morning, start their day with a cup of coffee, and then rush off to school or work. Some even juggle work and school at the same time. Living through a day is one big headache. Sometimes, some detest getting up in the morning. No matter how convenient living in this century is, it does not always equal to happiness. There are events in one’s life that may cause one to be unhappy. These unpleasant events are one of the causes of tension headache. What is tension headache? Tension headache or tension-type headache is the most common type of chronic recurring head pain (Blanda). According to the International Headache Society, tension - type headache is the most co mmon type of primary headache: its lifetime prevalence in the general population ranges in different studies from 30 to 78%. At the same time, it is the least studied of the primary headache disorders, despite the fact that it has the highest socio-economic impact. It can be further classified as episodic headache, chronic tension-type headache.... There may be mild nausea, photophobia or phonophobia. According to Schwartz, Stewart, Simon and Lipton, tension-type headache is a highly prevalent condition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, tension headaches affects up to 78% of the general population. It is also the most neglected and undertreated type of headache. Tension – type headache has no specific cause. It is often triggered by emotional tension, anxiety, tiredness or stress. It can affect both young and old. Young students who seem to be healthy but have a lifestyle full of stress often put themselves at a very high risk for tension headaches. Treatment goals for tension headache usually includes analgesics and massage therapy. Through the help of evidenced - based practice, new approaches towards tension headache emerged. Physiotherapy has greatly contributed in the treatment of tension headaches. Despite the comfortable lifestyle that people have, the incidence of tension headache is increa sing. There is evidence that biofeedback, yoga and relaxation techniques can help relieve pain and lower the number of headaches (University of Maryland Medical Center). This study focuses on the prevalence of tension headache across college departments as it relates to the difficulty of courses. Statement of the Problem This research aims to look into the relationship of course difficulty and the incidence of tension headache among the male students of Ahlia University in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the frequency of occurrence of tension headache among the respondents? 2. What is the common characteristic of pain among the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The financial crisis and credit crunch that occurred world-wide Essay

The financial crisis and credit crunch that occurred world-wide between 2007-09 - Essay Example Impact of Recession on Economy of United States The main reason behind the occurrence of any recession is decrease in the total expenditure of a country. Real GDP is considered as the most appropriate indicator which gauges an economy’s movement. If the real GDP of any economy speeds up its growth rate, the chances for the economy to grow in the broader respects increases sharply and a â€Å"boom† stage of business cycle can be observed. On the other hand, once people start sensing that their income would no longer be enough to manage their expenditures, they start cutting their expenditures. As a result, the overall confidence level of the people shakes up which in turn leads to a massive decrease in the overall expenditures of the people. The demand side gets shrink thus putting a stoppage to the overall production of the country. In this way, the production process suffers and experiences severe thus inviting a recession. It takes years for the people to believe that their expenditures would be met easily and they would be able to incur expenditure on luxury items (2008 Financial Crisis & Global Recession, n.d.). 1. Residential Investments In United States, the collapse of the housing market and sub prime mortgage was the major reason behind this whole debacle which pushed the US economy into dark valleys of recession. US economy experienced such a massive decline in its real GDP after post Word War II era, but at this time tight monetary policy was the main reason behind the recession. The tumbling situation of the housing market of US stated off showing its deeper effects in the last quarter of 2005 where the growth rate in terms of housing investment remained at breakeven level and did not find any increase. That was the first sign of the recession of the US economy (2008 Financial Crisis & Global Recession, n.d.). First quarter of 2006 reflected a decline of around -3.6% in the residential housing which was the first real shock to the econo mists. But with a massive and sharp decline of -16.6% in the growth rate of US economy buzzed the voice of a major financial crisis which eroded almost everything in later 2008. The same declining phase kept going along till the first quarter of 2009 when they reported a negative growth of around -32%. So overall it is basically the extreme underperformance of the US housing market that lead to a major debacle which turned into a global financial crisis and took every country into its effects (2008 Financial Crisis & Global Recession, n.d.). 2. Labor Market The effect of recession that started off in 2006 due to steep declines in growth faced by the housing market, hit labor market in late 2007. Since the inception of the housing market down fall in late 2006, the unemployment rate remained constant at 4.4%. That unemployment rate of 4.4% lasted till December 2007 and after that it just began to climb up so rapidly that in mid 2009 it reached to more than double of what used to be i n December 2007 such that it amounted to around 9.4% in the mid 2009 which has been the highest unemployment rate since 1983. 3. Business Investments The recession also created mess on different other investment areas such that the all other kinds of investments followed the same track the one followed by residential investment sector. Business investment especially investments in respect of equipments and software started their declining pattern in the beginning of 2008 and the whole

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

High Performing Teams Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

High Performing Teams Analysis Report - Essay Example The employees can voluntarily choose participation that enhances their performance. They provide workforce with constant learning environment so that employees can meet new challenges with high success. BT’s team performance is incentive drive. It primarily relies on two new payment system vis-Ã  -vis new reward framework for managers; and field reward system for non-management grade. It promotes individual and team achievements. New reward framework for managers consists of base salary, bonus and benefits. Base salary is market driven and increment is based on individual performance. Bonus is annual one-off payment depending on outstanding performance criteria and achievement of SMART goals. Benefit package gives the managers the freedom to choose their benefits like different insurance, cars etc. from pre-defined options. The field reward system is voluntary and non-contractual system for field executives. It turns points earned by employees for good work and carrying out specialized tasks successfully into financial rewards. The major weakness is that it actually promotes inequity across workforce and lowers the importance of team work. High performing teams are one of the key strengths of a firm that are performance driven and provide firms with competitive advantage in the market (Bratton & Gold, 2007). The team selection based on job profile and interview tends to overlook the more objective screening of candidate based on Belbin questionnaire and MBTI. The personal biases could creep into selection as the interview is broadly subjective. Moreover, high performing teamwork needs to be consistent. Regular appraisal through Belbin’s questionnaire and MBTI could provide management with effective feedback so that timely measures are applied to ensure continuous high performance of the teams. Indeed, high performance

Monday, September 23, 2019

Something important that you learned from this course Essay

Something important that you learned from this course - Essay Example They view the need for change as the opportunity for employees to succeed in their professional lives and increase the level of productivity. According to Lussier and Achua, an effective leadership is one that influences constituencies to make a shift from self-interests to collective interests of the group (348). In short, the role of leaders is to identify the need of the followers, make them aware of the need to fulfill those needs, provide followers a well-designed and practical strategy to follow, and to motivate people to continue their efforts for the achievement of goals and objectives. On the other hand, managers are people who supervise and control the activities of their subordinates in order to keep organizational system running. Here, an important point to mention is that managers are not born, they are appointed as managers by the top officials and stakeholders of their respective companies. Conversely, leaders are not appointed, rather they are born as leaders. Manager s have all abilities of an effective leader due to which they get the opportunity to manage other employees. Top management officials include the stakeholders and owners of companies who appoint managers based on their effective management and leadership skills. Managers are the most talented employees of a company who are able to show their managerial skills and decision-making ability in carrying out their job tasks as the result of which the top officials appoint them as managers of their respective departments. They get those promotions based on their ability to manage and control their own tasks and other employees’ activities in an effective manner. Leadership plays a key role in motivating people to achieve the desired set of goals. Without having an effective leadership with a clear approach and strategy, it is impossible for the followers to make a successful struggle towards the achievement of goals (Coutts 1). Employees need to keep up their confidence and motivati on to continue working for the cause in an efficient manner even in recession. Sometimes, such phases occur in a project when the level of enthusiasm and motivation of employees go down. In such cases, managers are the people who play the role of effective leaders and drive employees towards completion of the project without any delay. Analyzing these aspects of leadership and management, it is evident that both concepts are interconnected and do not have any considerable difference between them.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

DRED SCOTT WAS NOT A CITIZEN OF MISSOURI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DRED SCOTT WAS NOT A CITIZEN OF MISSOURI - Essay Example Thus, presently, the Supreme Court is the Court which most closely carries out the intentions set in the Constitution. Both the Constitution and the Supreme Court are federal institutions, and as such are ultimately respected by the citizens, the public officials and the law-makers of this country, within States, and by the people as a whole. Early in the development of the United States, though, this was not always the case, and a particular case, Scott v. Sandford, gave rise to a series of legal events which called into question both the US Constitution and the power and validity of the US Supreme Court. In fact, this case may even have primary importance in explaining the reasons for the Civil War. Perhaps the most significant social factor at work in the US in the late 1700s, and throughout the 1800s was slavery. This economic and social fact at work within society was considered, though, to be a political issue. Legal debates and decisions were largely made to enforce the Consti tutional acknowledgement of slavery, not to make rulings about slavery being right or wrong. Political solutions were sought to the question of slavery, rather than legal solutions. By 1787, slavery was recognized in the Constitution (Author, year p. ... ervice or Labor †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Constitution went further, not to regulate slavery within States through Congress until 1808, but only to tax the movement of slaves into States, or between States up to that date (Art. I Sec. 9 Para.1). Slavery was, then, accepted as a fact which existed within States, and the federal Government restricted its involvement in the affairs of individual States. States made their own decisions about whether they were â€Å"Free States†, or whether they would allow slavery, and Congress respected those decisions. But the implication was that 1808 would be the year in which Slavery would be abolished. In 1819, Missouri appealed to be included in the Confederation as a slave-owning State. This appeal was met by much resistance from the Northern States – in which Abolitionism was dominant – and the Midwestern States – where economies without slave labor would struggle against the slave-owning State economies. But Missouri entere d the Confederation as a slave-owning State in 1819; Texas and Florida did likewise in 1845. By 1854, though, a Bill was passed to enable the building of a railroad system to cross the continent, and it expressed overtly that regions, and the people themselves, could decide on slavery issues, rather than the Federal Government. This trend continued and by 1856-7, Abolitionism in the Northern States was becoming more powerful as a political force. Still, though, the Courts tried to avoid the issue of Slavery. Nonetheless, some decisions were made in the Courts, related to this question. In 1824, for example, a case was heard relating to an 1803 Act of Congress preventing States from admitting persons of color. Arguments in the Gibbons v. Ogden case claimed that the rights of States to regulate slave traffic – the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Seaborne Energy Business 2030 Essay Example for Free

Seaborne Energy Business 2030 Essay BP (2012) stated that in 2011 global oil consumption has increased 0. 7 per cent to reach 88 million BOPD. Despite the fact that the consumption is not picturing a significant amount of growth, according to UNCTAD (2012), in the same period crude oil load capacity reached 1. 8 billion tons and has an account for approximately one third of the total world seaborne trade. Meanwhile, global consumption of coal has increased significantly in the same period. As BP (2012) mentioned in the BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2012, coal has grew by 5. per cent, which is the only fossil fuel that increased above the average and the fastest growing energy outside renewable energy. Coal trade across countries are also illustrated remarkable growth. Between year 1999 and 2011 in tonne mile unit coal trade has risen 67 per cent to a number of 2196 tonne miles (UNCTAD, 2012). Furthermore, another energy source that has a very promising prospect to the world seaborne trade is LNG. LNG is the third sources of energy most consumed globally, after oil and coal. This type of nergy has shown a considerable escalation in the last 10 years. Since 2000, LNG consumption has grown by over 30 per cent (BP, 2012). Likewise, from 1999 to 2011, LNG seaborne trade has escalated way more significant, which reach the number of 258 per cent (UNCTAD, 2012). Lastly, the other prospectus energy that possibly able to provide sustainability to the world energy and could play a greater role in the future is non fossil fuel energy especially renewable energy. Currently, this type of energy has an account of 2. per cent of world energy consumption, which has risen from 0. 7 per cent in 2001 (BP, 2012). In present time, the contribution of this energy may not be very significant to world seaborne energy trade but with the steady growth and declining of oil reserves as the main sources of energy, renewable energy is reckoned to contribute more in the future and it might affected to the world seaborne energy trade. With all the facts aforementioned, it is important to generate a projection on how the energy consumption and production proportion is distributed in the future. Since seaborne transport business is a derives demand, it is essential to predict the development of the commodity, in this case is energy, in order to have a general picture of the energy seaborne transport business in the future. It is therefore, this essay will examine the development of this issue, which will focus on crude oil, coal, LNG, and renewable energy transport business especially in the year of 2030. 2. GLOBAL ENERGY DEMAND PROJECTION 2030 Demand of energy production that leads to energy transportation is mainly affected by the amount of its consumption. According to BP (2012) energy consumption driven by two main aspects that are population and income (GDP). In the year 2030, world population is projected to grow by 1. 4 billion, which is 0. 9 per cent per annum. Growth of GDP are also display a similar trends. Driven by low and medium income economies, the growth in the next 20 years is projected to accelerate reach the number of 3. 7 per cent, raising from 3. 2 per cent in the 1990-2010 period. However, increase in population and GDP growth is not necessarily surge the primary energy consumption. As expressed in BP Energy Outlook 2030 (BP, 2012), primary energy consumption growth from 2010 to 2030, which dominated by the supply of crude oil production, is decelerated to 1. 6 per cent compared to 2. 0 per cent between 1990 and 2010. The main factor to this is major decline of world crude oil reserves by that year. Another factor that has emerged this situation is global improvement of energy efficiency, especially for OECD countries that shifting the utilisation of oil to renewable for road transportation and change from coal to the same type energy in power generation. Despite the deceleration, primary energy still has a substantial account to the entire world energy consumption. The proportion of primary energy consumption and world primary energy shares between 2010 and 2030 show in the graph below. As presented in figure 1, the majority of total global energy consumption still contributed by the primary energy, which consist of crude oil, coal, and LNG. In 2030, these three main energy commodities are project to be consumed over 12billion TOE (tonne of oil equivalent) globally, which approximately 70 per cent of total energy consumed. Moreover, from the graph it can be seen the development of each form of energy illustrating a different tendency. Crude oil as the most consumable energy in the last 20 years is not display a significant development. Decline in its reserves cause the crude oil no longer provide sustainability to global consumer. However, the amount of oil consumed in 2030 is reasonably immense and still provide a great contribution to the global consumer with a little less than 30 per cent (figure 2). On the other hand, the development of the other two primary energies is considerably high. Gas particularly, is predicted to grow steadily in the next 20 years and become the fastest growing fuel fossils. As can be seen in the figure 2, gas supply share to the world’s energy consumption will reach over 20 per cent by 2030. The gas supply to the global energy consumer will be represented by grow fasting LNG supply, which reach the number of 4. 5 per cent per annum faster than total gas supply (2. 1 per cent). Meanwhile, growth of global coal consumption is displaying a steady trend up until 2030 (figure 1). The coal consumption projected to increase until around 2020 but start to decline afterwards with China as the main consumer of this energy end their rapid consumption. Nevertheless, by 2030 coal overtake oil on the world primary energy share (figure 2). Moreover, the consumption of non fossil fuel energy in 2030 is projected to grow massively (34 per cent) and will have a much larger proportion to the global energy consumption as can be seen in both figures. Non fossil fuel, renewable in particular will be very important by that year as immense needs of sustainable power for electricity and transport fuel will emerge the development of this type of energy. 3. CRUDE OIL SEABORNE TRADE Aforementioned, the growth of crude oil demand will not have a significant improvement, which reflected on the consumption growth that only 0. 6 per cent annually between 2010 and 2030 (BP, 2012). This situation gives a serious impact to the crude oil tanker business. Grossman et al (2006) expressed the perspective of crude oil tanker business in 2030 is shaded by the uncertainty. The high amount of oil price, declining reserves of crude oil and limitation in production capacity could affect the world crude oil trade. However, in spite of many uncertainties here and there, there are still some good trends concerning this business. One of the upsides is increase in transported distances, which will have several benefits especially for large size tanker vessel. As declining of mature oil field reserves that have relatively close distance to the major importing countries and geopolitical problems on pipeline developments, the dependence of the importers to major producers in Africa and Middle East is extremely high. Grossman et al (2006) added in Maritime Trade and Transport Logistic Strategy 2030, the crude oil exports share of Middle East countries will raise to over 60 per cent, which means the tanker trade from there to major exporters will have the same trends. Figure 3 below, present the crude oil trade flows in 2030 carry by tanker vessel. It can be seen that major importing countries especially in the Asia region have a massive dependence on crude oil trade from Middle East. China for instance, is projected to import the oil from Middle East for approximately 5. 9 million BPD (IEEJ, 2006), increase over 50 per cent from 2011 (EIA, 2012). The main factor of this is decline of China oil production to only 2 million BPD. Trends on decline in production capacity also occurred on other East Asia countries. Accumulatively, other East Asian countries outside China and Japan only produced oil slightly over 2 million BPD, which forced them to import more, especially from Middle East region that reach 10. 6 million BPD. Meanwhile, Japan and India that traditionally are net importers of oil is predicted to import oil from Middle East for 3. 6 and 6. 6 million BPD, respectively. In total, Asian region projected to import almost 30 million BPD from Middle East Region in 2030. One of the effects of this situation is increment of crude oil tanker traffic around Strait of Malacca and Singapore. As shown in the Figure 4, the number of VLCC passing this strait will increase up to 8646 almost doubled from 2010 and oil traded through this area reach 24. 7 million BPD, which on one hand is good for country’s income but on the other hand it will cause a reasonably intense congestion. Furthermore, US and Western Europe as the major market stakeholders for oil also depends on crude oil transportation. US particularly, despite they still produce considerably large amount of oil, they still have to import it from Middle East, Africa and Latin America because their production capacity is no longer fulfil the domestic market. Total oil trade from those three regions reach slightly over 10 million BPD, which is still below their domestic production rate. Whilst, for Western European market, the dependence on seaborne oil trade from other region is not as a high as both US or Asian countries since they still have pipeline distribution from Eastern Europe, Russia especially. Furthermore, in the long term scenario, as production capacity will reach the peak number in this period, increment of the production rate is no longer able to satisfy the demand. As a result, based on US Energy Information and National Resources Canada (2010) world crude oil price is predicted to climb up to average of $101 per barrel, which affected adversely to the existence of crude oil tanker market. Large size crude oil tanker especially, will suffered a greater impact than the small ones, since they purposely built in order to serve the large crude oil market. 4. WORLD COAL TRADE Coal is the commodity that plays a substantial role worldwide with the utilisation in almost every important sector of industry. World Coal Institute (2011) stated that in the present time steam coal utilised in power generation, which has the 39 per cent proportion of the world’s electricity utilisation, whilst coking coal are mainly utilised for iron and steel production. According to IEA (2011) prior to 2030 the coal consumption will increase as much as 53 per cent and the apportionment mostly about 85 per cent will be contributed from China and India. It is predicted that even before 2015, China’s import will outweigh their exports, whilst India is traditionally a net importer of Coal. Meanwhile in the producers point of view, Australia which represents 25 per cent of global trade will raise their production up to 30 per cent by 2030, which means if China and India will depends on seaborne transportations from producer like this country or other producers such as Indonesia, Colombia and South Africa. As a consequence of long distance of transportation and concerning the high cost of transport because of that, the coal trade worldwide is divided into two different regions of operation that are the Atlantic and the Pacific. The Atlantic route serving the European market such as UK, Germany and Spain, whilst the Pacific consists of countries like China and India. The 2030 complete coal trade route is presented in the figure 7 below. Increment of global coal consumption and wide range of coal trade transported by seaborne transportation affect the amount of cargo carried by ships to serve the market. DNV (2009) estimated that in that year the number of Capesize coal bulk carriers load would reach 7000 ships increase from 4700 shiploads in 2006. Additionally, significant increase in number of shipload consequently force the port authority to develop their infrastructure in order to for the ship to maintain the economy of scale of their operation. Therefore, the authority should invested large amount of money to develop their infrastructure. EXAMPLE. Even though it is important in raise the port capacity, not every country concern about this aspect. Australia, for instance, despite coal trade has an account of 23 per cent of total export and worth over A$ 52 billion a year, the government would not make an investment on that. They insisted the state government or the company should cover that responsibility. 5. DEVELOPMENT OF LNG TRADE According to Bull (2012) world LNG trade in the year 2030 is forecasted to reach a significant amount compared to the current condition with the demand over 880 bcm by the end of that year. The growth of this commodity influenced by huge development on the gas field globally that were forced by country’s economic growth, which requires to improve energy structure and sustainability (He, 2005). As BP explained in 2012 Statistical Review, natural gas has abundant reserves worldwide, therefore the utilisation of this type of energy specifically in the liquid form or LNG is expected to bring a better energy structure to the industry. Middle East still the major exporters supplemented by Asia Pacific countries lead by Indonesia and Australia (Bull, 2012). Qatar will expand their production through the years and is projected to be the LNG export hub in the region. In addition, Iran also has the potential to be the leading country of LNG exporter but the current sanction applied to the oil trade and high tension in the Strait of Hormuz will potentially lead to other seaborne trade sanction in that area and prohibit them to trade globally. Moreover, the development on new facilities in Indonesia and myriad in Australia could generate this region to be the world leading exporter with the capacity forecasted to reach 238 bcm. In the import perspective, European and East Asian countries such as Japan and Korea still a primary market. In Europe, countries like Spain, UK, and France still top producers, whilst Sweden, Poland, and the Netherland expected to join the market. Total demand forecast of this region is predicted to reach up to 300 bcm. Meanwhile, Eastern Asia has a total demand of 330 bcm by the end of this period with Japan and Korea will remain the largest LNG consumer. China is following them with the high growth rate of demand. Aforementioned, by the end of this period total LNG trade will reach the number of 880 bcm, which is a very large number compared with the 2011 condition that only 310 bcm. Export will mostly contributed from Qatar and Australia, whilst large-scale demand will be from Asian Countries and new developed LNG importer such as Sweden and Poland. The complete of LNG trade flows 2030 presented in figure 5 below. With high forecast of LNG trade in the future and according to DIW (2009) as they presented in the Figure 5, the trade is very likely involving countries from different regions with a long distance of trade, therefore the requirements for LNG fleet is inevitable. Emirates247 (2008) projected the number of LNG tanker fleet will reach 700 ships that year and Bull (2012) predict in more optimistic approach with the projection approximately 900 number of ships. This figure 6 below presented the development of LNG fleet from 2011 to 2030 according to Bull’s projection. With that high number and steady growth through the years, it is very unlikely to scrap this type of ship and it is very potential to make the investment on this ship regarding high demand of LNG in the future. 6. SEABORNE BIOFUEL BUSINESS PROSPECTS 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION

Friday, September 20, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Process in Tesco

Recruitment and Selection Process in Tesco Recruitment Selection Policy: A platform for recruitment using employment agencies, websites and newspapers. However, Tesco is a big name in the distribution sector does not need publicity, due to its strong presence in the retail sector in the UK. Fig1: Recruitment Process GRIEVANCES POLICY: Complaints are an important aspect of personnel policy, because it contains a provision on the factors that cause problems in the workplace because of the causes of stress, fatigue, personal problems, health problems and other social issues. Tesco is very special in this respect because they have serious complaints policy where employee issues are of huge importance and are not neglected due to pressure or excessive workload. Training and Development Policy: The Company has a policy of training and development that makes it compatible with an organization where employees feel they are growing their career aspects as much as possible. This policy is aligned with the needs of staffing and training needs. Rewards Management Policy: Rewards and management policies will be discussed in detail in the literature, allowing employees to feel good, motivated and committed to their employer. It is also a great way to introduce competition into the ranks of employees and their competitive strategies. Premiums and policy management is also an understandable form of access to personal potential and their classification in regard to the role in business. For a company like Tesco, is a way to find potential leaders, and industry icons. The company faces many aspects of internal training, and outsourcing training and customer service are the key aspects of learning, while being part of Tesco. Internal transfers are made to develop and improve skills and vocational training is a part of the preparation procedures for these skills. Tesco Jobs in organizational behavior also improves employee to learn to be part of the organization with other aspects of the skills that are important to be injected in quality packaging. Interestingly, employees with a reatil industry knowledge is important when working in the retail sector. It is very important to realize and raise awareness in people regarding the induction of employees is an important step in a company the caliber and size of Tesco. It simply ensures that employees who are new should be aware of the principles and work in which they operate, like any culture of work differs from the other aspects of management, other important aspects. regular team meetings and notes to ensure that people working together is teamwork and collaboration between them as they help each other in different ways. There is also a systematic way of internal communication with staff that is done on a regular basis in the form of monthly newsletters, intranets, corporate reports, staff feedback, etc. All the above things to help employees in their awareness of the changes are constantly occurring in society and the impact of these changes in growth, profitability and image of the retail industry. In the context of this literature is very important to understand and examine the link between corporate strategy and human resources strategy for Tesco. There is always a link between corporate strategy and human resource strategy of an organization like Tesco following the classical concepts of SHRM, business strategy management systems, human resources as a set of interrelated policies and practices for implementing business strategies. The reporting of corporate strategy for managing human resources directors are the general contractor Shih, H.A Chiang, Y.H (2005). Regarding the difference between the theory of strategic management company, commercial, operational and political strategy, the companyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s strategy is to devise operational strategy, because that is what makes the organization function as it should. Provides focus and direction of corporate communication function, and is also active in developing the strategy for implementing the communication plan Steyn, B (2003). Formulation of the strategy in action is a very important part of corporate strategies. Structuring an organization to support a good performance including organizational structures, processes and contexts. Scholes, K Johnson, G Whittington, R (2009). The management of the business strategy often involves change and the type of change that is implemented in a retail establishment at Tesco. A key element of corporate strategy includes the expansion of financial security to be granted to employees and come with more resourceful, innovative an d creative financial plans for welfare and restraint. However, attention is directed more elements to human resources strategy literature that focus strategically on this issue and it is also crucial for an organization potential of the stature of Tesco. It has to do with managing the work efficiently and effectively, while ensuring the rights of individuals and their value to the company. A central feature of a continuous improvement process is to ensure that the system is managed and controlled effectively. This requires measurement, analysis and reduction of fluctuations in the results to more realistic limits. The framework must include the organization of the HR practice in groups with a common goal, and it also develops principles for each group covering the management of the organization, intent, culture and capabilities. There is also the possibility of clear measures against which must be measured over time. The aspects are to be discussed in detail in the results including the nature, long term and short-term, HR strategy and its impact on business growth. Other important and essential to examine the policy framework will be consistent with strict implementation in the United Kingdom and I. strategy of the competitor, Strategy E of ASDA, Morrison and Sainsbury. Within the framework of HR strategies is very important to discuss in detail the policies of recruitment and selection of large companies like Tesco and gender equality policy. Recruitment process is discussed in detail and the manner in which the company does the recruitment process efficient, transparent and efficient to win. Another important criterion for making an effective HR plan is to make useful analysis of organizational culture and cultural diversity, the dealer is a huge company manages and supervises its activities. The concept of organizational culture has become a major theme of science organization. Organizations create a culture or work environment to gain competitive advantage and this has to do primarily with customer service, emphasis on employee participation and integration of technological innovation in developing products or services. A culture can be considered the style of an organization, the atmosphere or the personalities of the Sims, RR (2002). There wil l be debates in the paper on the direction of the organization of the review giants and the most important consequences that can be done to make it more effective. However, in this scenario, the HR function as an agent of change is very important to realize that human resources is a key player in the treatment of work in the context of the organization must be an agent of change and take responsibility policies regarding disciplinary and other more. Change management strategies are discussed in relation to the different change management models. human_change_management Fig2: Change Management Model Above, the model of change management is adopted by companies in most cases to manage change effectively and also aggressive steps to be incorporated in organizational hierarchies. A change management process still requires a vision and a need for a focused and dedicated management. Proper analysis is crucial as regards the financial implications and the key element is the catalyst for an organization. Other models to be discussed in detail in the literature include Kotler model of change management and discussions will also be published on the role of change agents. The successful implementation of the change process associated with the facilitators of change and in cases of these literature facilitators of change in human resources. The change agent can be defined as a leader who is there to reconfigure the roles of an organization, responsibilities, structures and outputs Saka, A (2002). The change agent skills within the organization should be clarity on the definition of objecti ves, activities, team building, communication skills, negotiation techniques and skills of influence to win support for the goals and objectives. But we also know the limitations of change management are more associated with the perception of senior management of the need for change. In the phase of implementation of strategic change, top managers expect lower managers and employees to act according to their strategic vision and strategic plans, Joyce, P Wiley, J (2000). Employees do not have the responsibility to manage change so that the responsibility for change management is the management and executives of Tesco. Kotler, JP (1995). There will be detailed discussions on what measures can be taken by human resources to manage resistance to change. Resistance to change has been recognized as an extremely important factor that can influence the success or failure of an organizational change effort Waddell D Sohail A.S (1998). This resistance is mainly due to fear of the unknown i n the minds of the people, economic insecurity and some failures to recognize why the change is so important Nadler (1989). A very important topic of discussion is the motivation aspects of HR strategy. Motivation always brings positive and fruitful results regarding the growth of the organization and manages to bring the productivity of staff at its optimal level. This literature will explain how motivation can be increased and Herzberg and Maslow theories of motivation are discussed in detail in this document. Training of employees in retail trade is one aspect that will be discussed in detail in this literature where employees are key players in any part of the organization. Empowerment, engagement and ownership by employees is the key quantifiable aspects of a sector with great influence in the distribution sector due to customer confidence and to concentrate. CONCLUSION It is necessary to understand the importance of HR strategies in the company of the size and condition of Tesco. Effective human resource strategies are still profitable and productive impact on the growth of the company as HR has a vital importance for human resources management. A motivating factor always increases in productivity that employees must be motivated to perform at optimum level. It is important to ensure that an environment free of politics and bureaucracy is presented taking into account aspects of the declaration of the equality policy and a reward system unique and efficient management. HR strategy is always associated with corporate strategy so that business objectives are achieved through the effective use of resources and taking into account the economic consequences. The recruitment policy should be transparent and make room for younger talent, without forgetting the importance of retaining the old staff and helpful. Although the work in the retail environment, it is important that staff understands the importance of teamwork and cooperation, and how the operator can influence their teams to ensure efficient and effective. Training of workers is another important aspect that is neglected, because the nature of the retail sector, institutions need to train workers there on a regular basis to meet customer is involved in all key stakeholders. Customer satisfaction is considered in detail in this literature, in which Tesco is distinguished part of absolute customer orientation and CRM or Customer Relationship Management is one of the most significant characteristics of Tesco and influence the business strategy, because it is strong dependence on online sales and marketing. In this recruitment context, selection and retention of workers in Tesco is considered very high dependence and competitive strategy of the bank through the analysis of its competitors. ASDA is one of the largest operators, Tesco and the retail trade, after Sainsbury and Mo rrison is a very unique and transparent approach, so their employees, and employee retention policy. Under a good competitor, a strategy is always crucial to assess how it is at the forefront of its competitors. Research Methodology Collis and Hussey (2003) They stressed that the methodology of reference for the overall approach of the research process of the theoretical basis for the collection and analysis (p.55). Just As noted Gronhaug and Ghauri (2005) to find the right solution of the problem or answer the question and take the decision, it is necessary to conduct operations procedure to identify the real issues more deeply, to collect relevant information on the topic or area of interest and eventually put the information in sequential order to make the decision on the research problem or question. No decision can be made, no problem can be solved and the question can be answered once, less exertion, resources or procedures apply to take the decision. To carry out this research, to find the research questions and approach for systematic procedures to be adopted by the researcher, The Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2003) have given extensive and summarize the research methodology aspects presented in the se arch à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“onionà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢. Figure 2 Fig3: Saunders Research Process Onion The research process onion Saunders chose a model of this research and the emphasis should be placed on methods of collecting data that will be adopted for this study. The research will be a mixture of primary and secondary research observations and interviews will also play a major role in identifying issues that the satisfaction levels of employees within the company and its dependence on the golf literature. Investigations are also important to identify the level of employee satisfaction and may be used for data analysis. Research Philosophy According to Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2007), One Paradigm is a paradigm to explore social phenomena, especially in the understanding of these phenomena can be earned and attempted explanations (Pg 112); the research philosophy approach is all about, a researcher in the research. It depends largely on how the investigator that he or she wishes to develop the knowledge, its all about the researcher believes that what needs to be research results and effectiveness will be found, so how the researcher believes that impact of how he or she is, many writers used the term paradigm of philosophy. A research paradigm can also be described as how the research will take place. They are four types of paradigms: functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist and radical structuralism. Creswell (1994) quoted in Collis and Hussey (2003) the positivist paradigm of quantitative and qualitative phenomenological paradigm (Pg. 48). Positivist approach is designed to, or cause social phenomena with little regard to the subjective state of the individual and the phenomenological paradigm is to understand human behaviour in the same frame of reference participant, (p. 52-53). This study is based on positivist and phenomenological approaches are taken to do research both quantitative and qualitative research data to find a solution. Research Design The research plan is very important and is the research base, and leads to get the answer the research question of reliable and valid. In a study on different techniques, approaches and methods have been employed, which, according to (Selltiz et al, 1981) in Jankowicz (2005) is required for various techniques of data collection, depending on the problem, we can not get the right result if you use the same techniques on all problems. The use of appropriate techniques, depending on the problem leads to results in the direction of generalizations. This study includes both primary and secondary data sources; secondary sources of information include business magazines and articles, books and internet. If so, collected through quantitative and qualitative methods of data. Research is a combination of exploratory and explanatory (descriptive). Should be applied to both research on, as evidenced by Jankowicz (2005). Pre-application to identify a problem or a problem, gather information and helps define the problem, while the explanatory (descriptive) is used to identify the issues and questions that this study is to analyze and describe the importance of employee retention and recruitment and selection of workers in Tesco. Supporting research in the type of data collected both qualitative and quantitative methods. Global model of Figure 3.2 shows the structure of the study, which was approved this survey has highlighted in bold or boxes show the types or methods of research implementation. Research Approach: According to Saunders onion research deductive approach where the researcher develops the theory and design and research strategy to test the hypothesis. There are two types of research approaches, namely deductive and inductive, but in the context of this literature, the mixed method approach is best and safest method to be adopted due to the size of the research and the different components of the literature. Research Strategy: However, the research strategy is the generic plan is taken by the researcher to define the methods of data collection are included in the study and the limits are defined by the methods of investigation. However, there are different strategies for handling which is taken as part of the investigation, however, this study will adopt the research strategy, where polls will be used to identify trends, analysis and behavior of key components employee satisfaction and recruitment and selection policies in Tesco. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Paradigms: Difference between qualitative and quantitative research Quantitative paradigms Qualitative paradigms Concerned with understanding Seek the facts/causes of social behaviour from actions own frame phenomena of reference. Obstructive and controlled measurement Naturalistic and uncontrolled objective observation. Removed from data: the outsider Subjective perspective Close to the data the insider Ungrounded, verification oriented, perspective reductionist, hypothetico-deductive Grounded, discovery oriented, exp- loratory, expansionist, descriptive, Outcome oriented inductive Reliable, hard and replicable data Press -oriented Generalizable: multiple case studies Ungeneralisable: single case study, Particularistic Holistic Assume a stable reality Assumes a dynamic reality Table1: Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research The table above shows clearly the main differences between qualitative and quantitative research paradigms. The main differences between the two methods is that the main results of this qualitative study did not reach statistical methods or otherwise, the limit of detection. One of the fundamental differences also, that the research uses a quantitative measurement and quantitative research is not based on measurements. Methods of data collection observation, interviews are part of qualitative research that will be a great debate in this literature. However, it is possible to measure qualitative data, therefore, qualitative and quantitative aspects, not mutually exclusive. Ghauri, P Gronhaug, K (2005). Interviews: The talks are again in qualitative research where information is obtained through discussions. Maintenance is always useful for researchers to collect data in direct contact with clients say that the main actors involved in the process of this investigation. The interviews were used to determine the response of employees to the extent that there is no job satisfaction concerns and the needs of employees who are covered by the company. The design of the interview will be structured and only focus on the relevance and the aspects of time management and focus on details as possible in the shortest time possible. Questionnaires: Questionnaire is another important element of primary research. There are two types of questionnaires, namely a permanent and indefinite. The questionnaires will be completed by mainly used in this document as close ended questionnaires are not easy to conceive that permanent, but has a huge impact in terms of data analysis part of the literature. Questionnaires will be distributed to employees, branch managers, supervisors and other key players Branch Tesco Gallant Reach. Data Collection Methods and Instruments Methods for collecting data are used in this study to collect basic data, which takes place interviews, focus groups, surveys and questionnaires. Focus on data collection Galliant Reach Tesco branch and the defendants are officers, directors, managers, branch manager and other key personnel. The information gathered will be used for statistical analysis to make interpretations of the behaviour of stakeholders and their effects on the market. Questionnaire design, data used in this adaptation of a closed-ended question. Closed-ended questions will help to improve compared to the analysis of open questions, because it best fits the type of research, conducted with the thesis. Tools used for data analysis are Excel spreadsheet. Excel data analysis is simple and easily understood. Data analysis is performed using statistical graphs such as pie charts, bar charts and histograms. Secondary data collected from the Internet through the company and report profiles. Newspapers can also be a ve ry important tool for gathering historical information and evidence in the form of statistics. The analysis is aimed at finding a competitive advantage enjoyed by Tesco, compared with other retail giants ASDA ie, Morrisons and Sainsbury. Ethical Considerations: Ethical consideration in this regard have been complied with ethical policy towards companies (Tesco, UK) were analyzed in this literature, and intellectual property rights. The companys website, follows a policy on copyright and intellectual property rights. Copyright protection has some restrictions are considered in the public interest. Such a restriction or safety valve is a fair use provision Goldstein (1994). All data used in this study the company particular concern of intellectual property rights and may not be used in marketing a company or for other reasons of this thesis.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay on Internet Privacy - Carnivore is an Invasion to Privacy :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Carnivore is an Invasion to Privacy Carnivore is the FBI's latest toy. All the time we hear about how it is an invasion to privacy, and while I do agree it does have serious problems it also has some moral dilemmas. For example who is subject to Carnivore and where is it located? How much and What kind of information is the FBI interested in getting? Lets start by looking at just what exactly Carnivore is. Carnivore is an actual piece of hardware that the FBI connects to an internet backbone. According to; "For Carnivore to gain access to this much data, its hardware must be plugged directly into the network at a central location. Because most Internet based communications in the USA flow through large Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the FBI would typically install a Carnivore box inside an ISP data center. Controlled physical and network access improves the system's overall security." Basically from the data center of the ISP Carnivore is able to acquire any information that it chooses to, or is assigned to. Typically a search warrant is issued and the device set to acquire information about a subject. Any email, or other form of communications that the person being viewed is recorded for the FBI to view later. Any information is intercepted once the FBI is in they know all and see all. Which begs the question what if they are getting search warrants on anyone they choose? Who reports them? Who holds the people accountable for spying on people later found out to be innocent? Because Carnivore is a "BLACK BOX" project a lot of information about the project is not being released to the public and if that is not scary enough for you, the people in charge of issuing the warrants and who the FBI labels and those that need to be "Watched" is also not readily available. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Without an internal regulatory system for the FBI to control the use of carnivore it looks as though anyone anywhere can be tapped. Carnivore also has other problems too. According to; "Specific technical concerns noted by the scientists include a lack of analysis between the Carnivore code and its host environment and operating system, inadequate discussion of the remote access provided by the use of the "PC Anywhere" program, and no evidence of a systematic search for bugs or serious errors.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Morals and Ethics in the Movie Wall Street Essay -- Film Movie Wall St

Morals and Ethics in the Movie Wall Street The movie 'Wall Street' is a representation of poor morals and dissapointing business ethics in the popular world of business. This movie shows the negative effects that bad business morals can have on society. The two main characters are Bud Fox played by Charlie Sheen and Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas. Bud Fox is a young stockbroker who comes from an honest working-class family but on the other hand, Gordon Gekko is a millionaire who Bud admires and wants to be associated with. Greed seems to be a huge theme of this movie. This movie portrays the unethical society we live in. It shows how money oriented society has become and that people will do almost anything to get ahead. Competitiveness has become such a widespread game all over the country, especially in big cities. At the start of Wall Street, Bud Fox is young and insecure about the business world. Bud is a broker seeking new clients and offering second-hand advice regarding the buying and selling of stock. Bud was faced with a choice that would change his life. He was so sure he wanted to be involved with Gordon Gekko that he was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of his immoral scheme. It only took about five minutes for Bud to agree to give insider information about stocks to Gekko in order to become more lucrative and manipulative at the same time. Bud wants to sell him stocks, and hopefully one day be like he is. Bud is obviously desperate to d...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Wine Industry Financial Analysis Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Cour

Wine Industry Financial Analysis DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Canandaigua Brands, Inc. (formerly Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc.) is a producer and supplier of wine and an importer and producer of beer and distilled spirits in the United States. It maintains a portfolio of over 130 national and regional brands of beverage alcohol which are distributed by over 850 wholesalers throughout the United States and selected international markets. Its beverage alcohol brands are marketed in three general categories: wine, beer and distilled spirits. Brands include: Paul Masson, Manischewitz, Monte Alban, Almaden, Barton’s Gin and Corona Beer. MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE Management performance is good. Canandaigua’s return on assets is better than the industry standard for 1998, and just under the industry standard in 1997. The company’s management has been able to improve the company’s ROA by almost doubling net income from the prior year. Management has in the past done a good job of utilizing its assets, and by the latest results is doing an even better job. Canandaigua’s gross margin(25.62) is less than the industry standard(43.80%). It appears that the company’s production costs are greater than others in the industry. Profit margin(6.78%) is greater than the industry standard(6.64%) in 1998. Canandaigua is very good at controlling selling & general administrative expenses. Higher sales in 1998 resulted primarily from additional beer sales, largely Corona Beer sales, additional table wine sales and additional spirits sales. The company has increased its return on common stockholder’s equity(12.84%), compared to the industry stan dard of 10.89%. Canandaigua does a fair job of controlling borrowing. Interest expense was reduced by ... ...ompany’s operating cycle is very lengthy. Although, assuming most payables are due net 30, Mondavi appears to pay their bills on an average of 3.8 days early. LONG-TERM LENDORS From a lendor’s perspective, Mondavi appears very strong in its ability to repay long-term debt and interest despite having a debt to asset ratio 35% below the industry average. Mondavi has a very low probability of bankruptcy with or without the market cap being considered. Accordingly, Mondavi would be a good candidate for a general line of credit from lendors. INVESTORS Mondavi’s stock appears to be over valued by approximately 100% compared to 1997 and 1998’s per share market value. According to the EPS ratio, such over valuation appears to be consistent from ’97 to ’98, according to the EPS ratio. Therefore, it seems that investors would be hesitant to purchase Mondavi’s stock.

Monday, September 16, 2019

An inspector calls, drama and tension Essay

An Inspector Calls Essay How does Priestley build the drama and tension in this extract? The extract is from page 47 starting ‘MRS B: I’m sorry she should have come to such a horrible end. But I accept no blame for this at all’ In this extract, JB Priestley builds drama and tension through the use of dramatic irony. Mrs Birling does not realise until the very end of the scene that her own son is responsible for Eva Smith’s pregnancy. However, Sheila and the audience begin to realise this before her. So, when she says things like ‘I blame the young man of the child she was going to have’, we realise that she is unknowingly incriminating herself and her son. This makes it tense and exciting, because we want to see what will happen when she eventually does realise that the person she is being so harsh on is her own son. In this extract, JB Priestley also builds up drama and tension through having Sheila realise the truth of the situation long before her mother. Sheila is constantly interrupting trying to explain to her mother that by blaming the father of the child she is only blaming her own son. For example, she says ‘Mother-stop-stop!’ and ‘But don’t you see-‘ As well as her words, the stage directions show that she is getting increasingly ‘agitated’ and ‘hysterical’ in attempting to warn her mother about what is happening. This is very tense and dramatic because Mr and Mrs Birling misinterpret her words and just assume that she is overexcited; this is consolidated through the use of imperatives, which connotes Sheila’s desperation to be listened to. They assume she is being silly, when in fact she is the closest of all of the Birling family to true insight at this point.

Child’s learning and development

Identifying the beliefs of Children ‘s Learning, Development, and the Social Influences that shaped them.A kid ‘s acquisition and development Begins from the minute they are born, the early old ages from birth to five are an of import milepost in a individual ‘s life, what a kid experiences in the early old ages has a major impact on their hereafter opportunities in life. A safe, secure and happy childhood is of import in its ain right. We can determine a kid ‘s acquisition from an early age, kids learn through experience and grownup engagement, hence interaction with babes and immature kids is basically of import, it helps to construct thoughts, creates believing and helps them develop as scholars. Babies are born with an involvement in people and a thrust to happen out about their universe. Detecting and measuring babes and immature kids is an of import footing in their acquisition and development. ‘Watching kids learn can open our eyes to the capacity of how they learn ‘ ( Pugh, 2001, p. 66 ) , and this shows us the importance of these first few old ages in a kid ‘s life. Over the decennary ‘s early instruction, policies and patterns have seen important alterations. We still use many of the earlier theories and methods through the Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS ) in our early instruction scenes today. The EYFS is portion of a 10 twelvemonth Childcare Strategy introduced in 2008, it relates to the Childcare Act 2006, and its purpose is to give immature kids the best start in life, it sets criterions to enable early twelvemonth ‘s suppliers to implement the rich and personalised experience many parents give their kids at place. It provides legal demands associating to larning, development, appraisals and public assistance. The EYFS rules which guide all practicians consists of four subjects ; a Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments, Learning And Development. It implies that all kids from birth to five will get the same accomplishments and cognition in readying for school while at the same clip recognizing that all kids are persons that require single acquisition schemes. The building of early instruction and attention of kids and immature people dates back many old ages, every bit early as the seventeenth century. Friedrich Froebel a major theoretician was born in 1782 in Thuringia what is now Germany and was good known for stating â€Å"play is a kid ‘s work† , he formulated the thought of kindergarten intending ‘children ‘s garden ‘ as a agency of educating immature kids. Play and the out-of-door environment were of import in Froebelian kindergartens. His attack emphasized that kids are able to develop their capacity for larning through drama, and that active acquisition is indispensable with counsel and appropriate way. He believed that preparation of workers within the early old ages was indispensable, and the importance of parents as spouses in the instruction of immature kids. The influence of Froebel‘s methods are good established in early old ages scenes to day of the month, his work was one of the theories that made the footing of early instruction. Many recent theoreticians based their work on these early findings, and state, he was in front of his clip as one of the EYFS subjects and committednesss, of today provinces active acquisition. Active larning it is implemented through the acquisition and development rule of the EYFS, it provides physical and mental engagement, decision-making and individualized acquisition, and it occurs when kids are acute to larn and are interested in happening things out for themselves. Play is a dynamic procedure that develops and alterations, it provides kids with chances for developing cognitive, societal, emotional and physical accomplishments. ‘Froebelian kindergartens were seen to be in-between category ; despite this his methods were adapted for usage with deprived kids and households ‘ within developing twentieth century baby's room and infant schools. ( Pound, 2008, p. 16 ) . The first nursery school opened in Scotland in1816 by Robert Owen ( 1771-1858 ) , he was a factory proprietor who refused to use kids less than 10 old ages of age, he believed that instruction should be a common right for all kids, and that kids are inactive, contrived and by due readying and accurate attending can be formed into any human character. He managed their behavior through kindness, which in the19th century was unusual, kids every bit immature as 2 old ages attended his school. The gap of his nursery school influenced altering attitudes on kid labor, and set the footing of early instruction for immature kids. The start of the course of study method was one of Owens ‘s thoughts, his vision on education-inspired coevalss of militant ; he recognised the nexus between societal public assistance and early instruction this is an of import portion of pattern in modern twenty-four hours scenes. ‘His committednesss to instruction were extremist as were his thoughts on t he importance of equality, although his policies were a bold measure frontward, he was criticised as being rooted in his desire for net income. ( Pound, 2008, p. 13 ) ‘ ‘In the UK the development of early instruction was really slow compared to Europe, it was In 1870 that publically funded instruction became compulsory for kids age 5, the demand to understand these early childhood services is of import as they laid down the foundations of our instruction system ( Pugh, 2001, p. 8 ) ‘ During the 1960 ‘s the voluntary playgroup motion emerged. A missive sent to the Guardian by Belle Tutaev, a immature female parent of a four-year-old expressing concern to the deficiency of appropriate nursery proviso within our instruction system. For many old ages the chief agencies of early instruction was province primary schools, and this was aimed at kids over 5 old ages, after runing to the governments to no help she opened her ain playgroup, this progressed and by the 1970ss playgroups became a recognized signifier of pre-school proviso. Over the following 2 decennary ‘s the altering household forms and employment forms meant early old ages proviso were a much needed beginning, this saw the growing of private baby's rooms. Merely after a reappraisal in 1988 on early childhood and instruction services, ( The Education Reform Act ) did the authorities realise at that place was a turning job. It found defects, in uncoordinated services, which varied between different parts of the state, compared to the remainder of Europe there were low degrees of public support. It had different services ran by a diverseness of different administrations, this meant a broad scope of clients used them, all with different purposes and intents. The instruction system needed the authorities to step in. A figure of national studies was to be published, one of them the Rumbold study published in 1990, expressed concerns about instruction and the deficiency of entree to Early Years services. It highlighted the demand for the development of good quality proviso in the early old ages, and ‘believed it to be critical that all that work, or are involved with immature kids recognize the importance of their educational function and carry through it. She urged those who make proviso recognize the turning demand for and the enlargement of high quality services to run into kids and parents demands ( rumbold, 1990 ) . The study besides highlighted the manner in which immature kids learn are every bit of import as what they learn, and argued against the debut of formal acquisition. At the clip, this study was ignored but it is now used as a footing for best pattern in today ‘s Early Old ages scenes. ‘The constitution of the Early Childhood Education forum in 1993 meant conveying together all national bureaus working in the field, ‘ ( Pugh, 2001, p. 11 ) it clarified that an early twelvemonth ‘s policy is needed, and an enlargement in services, the forum gathered strength with over 45 national administrations by 1998. Its purposes were to defend kids ‘s rights and entitlements, back up the preparation development and instruction of early childhood practicians, and all those who work with kids and their households. The authorities took action and in 1995, funding for the instruction of 4 twelvemonth olds was introduced this was in the signifier of verifiers that could be redeemed in private, voluntary, or local authorization baby's rooms, the verifiers were highly criticised at the clip and was abolished in 1997 when Labour Government was elected. The election of the Labour Government brought large alterations in the manner our whole Education System was run, particularly Early Education ; its cardinal issue is to eliminate child poorness, and supply more household friendly policies and kids ‘s Centres. The Certain Start enterprise, launched in 1999 under the National Childcare Strategy plays a major function in making this, by assisting households in local communities of demand with kids under 4years old. The authorities pledged 1.4 billion lbs over 6 old ages. This meant that parents had entree to a multi bureau of services within the Certain Start Children ‘s Centres. They are now a cardinal influence within our communities assisting kids, households and society, by larning and developing life accomplishments in the early old ages so that immature kids turn up to be happy, healthy and are able to accomplish their ends in life. The Centres are at the Heart of the Every Child Matters Change for Children 2004. The green paper Every Child Matters was published in 2003, in response to a study by Lord Laming in 2001, into the decease of Victoria Climbie. Victoria was a immature miss who was horrifically abused, tortured and killed by her great aunt, Marie-Therese Kouao and spouse Carl Manning ; they were the people who were supposed to be caring for her. Black weaknesss within a figure of systems meant on 12 occasions over 10 months the opportunities to salvage Victoria were missed. Evidence from this Inquiry demonstrated the dangers of staff from different bureaus non carry throughing their separate and typical duties. The decease of Victoria showed a cardinal demand for an incorporate service that would be portion of a political docket for many old ages, despite the Children Act 1989 commissariats, kid protection schemes and services stayed within the societal service system, and the degree of communicating and co-operation between these and other services in wellness and instruction were v ariable. The Every Child Matters docket is recognised by five results ; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, do a positive part, and achieve economic well-being ; these results are a cosmopolitan aspiration for the authorities, and organize a strong footing for the EYFS course of study used in Early Education Settings to day of the month. The transportation of duty for kids under 8-years-old were made from the Department of Health, to the Department of Education and Skills and from 2001, an incorporate review service was introduced, conveying together all the services, enabling multi-agency working, which was an of import measure frontward. The Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership in local governments were besides introduced, assisting to increase degrees of proviso in Childcare. Working in partnership with the Local Education Authority, each authorization completed an audit, with a program to make the authorities ‘s marks for early instruction topographic points for all 3- and-4year-olds. This was made easier in the alteration of policy earlier, that allowed not maintained sectors to use for baby's room grants, ‘children in private twenty-four hours baby's rooms, pre-schools and some childminders could now entree their free half-day nursery proviso. In this manner the scheme started to undert ake the long-run split between Early Years instruction services and the child care services. ‘ ( Macelod- Brundenell, and Kay 2nd edition 2008 pg 352 ) . It has been without uncertainty that Early Education has come a long manner since Froebel in the seventeenth century, and the gap of Owen ‘s nursery school in 1816, but non many things have changed, it was apparent so that kids learn through drama and geographic expedition, and early acquisition is of import in the first five old ages. Possibly many coevalss of kids have missed out the opportunities given to immature kids of today. The EYFS has been an of import milepost for early instruction and immature kids, and is now the manner frontward in fixing a kid for school, but its existance is still in the primary phases, and many little nursery scenes may happen accommodating to these alterations and prolonging them quiet hard as the criterions and public assistance demands set are extremly high.Mentions( Department of Children Schools and Families. ( 2008 ) . The statutory Framework for the Early old ages Foundation phase Every kid affairs change for kids. Puting the criterions for Learning Development and attention for childeren from birth to five. Macelod-Brudenell Iain and Kay Janet ( 2nd Edition 2008 ) . Advance Early Old ages And Education For Foundation grades and degree 4 & A ; 5. Heinemann Oxford Pound, Linda. ( 2008 ) . How Children Learn From Montessori to Vygotsky. London: Step frontward publication. Pugh, Gillian ( 2001 ) . Contemporary Issues In The Early Old ages. Paul Chapman. London