Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Aging Special Senses

Vanessa McClain Anatomy and Physiology GE 258 Unit 9. Assignment 2. The Aging Special Senses Thursday, November 17, 2011 1. ) Age-related Macular Disease – Is a disease associated with aging that gradually destroys sharp, central vision. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving. AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. There are two forms of age-related macular degeneration: Dry form and Wet form. The dry form is characterized by the presence of yellow deposits, called drusen, in the macula. A few drusen may not cause change in vision; however, as they grow in size and increase in number, they may lead to a dimming or distortion of vision that people find most noticeable when they read. In more advanced stages, there is also a thinning of the light-sensitive layer of cells in the macula leading to atrophy, or tissue death. In the atrophic form, patients may have blind spots in the center of their vision. The wet form is characterized by the growth of abnormal blood vessels from the choroid underneath the macula. These blood vessels leak blood and fluid into the retina, causing distortion of vision that makes straight lines look wavy, as well as blind spots and loss of central vision. They eventually scar, leading to permanent loss of central vision. They affect daily life in that there is struggle to do housework, studying, shopping, enjoying leisure activities and interests such as reading. 2. ) Glaucoma – Is a disease in which damage to the optic nerve leads to progressive, irreversible vision loss because the aqueous humor does not flow out of the eye properly and fluid pressure builds up over time causing damage to the optic nerve. It is the second leading cause of blindness. It affects one’s daily life such as driving or playing certain sports . It causes contrast sensitivity, problems with glare, and light sensitivity which interfere with daily activities. 3. ) Cataracts – Are cloudy areas in the lens inside the eye which is normally clear. There are two types: Age related cataracts which appear later in life and congenital cataracts, that may be present when a baby is born or shortly after birth. Cataracts cause an individual to see halos around lights. In some, the glare from car ights become bothersome and driving at night may be dangerous. Although far sight is affected more than near vision. If the cataracts are bad enough, it can make reading more difficult as well. 4. ) Detached Retina – Is a disorder of the eye in which the retina peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue. Initial detachment may be localized, but without rapid treatment the entire retina may detach, l eading to vision loss and blindness. It affects daily activities because of the sudden appearance of â€Å"floaters†, (dark, semi-transparent, floating shapes) in the field of vision or a shower of black dots. These are actually red blood cells because all retinal tears bleed a little when they occur. ) It causes a loss of central vision, a loss of peripheral vision called the â€Å"curtain effect† and brief, bright flashes of light which may be most noticeable when you move your eyes in the dark. 5. ) Deafness (sensorineural and conductive) – Sensorineural hearing loss is due to damage to the pathway that sound impulses take from the hair cells of the inner ear to the auditory nerve and the brain. Conductive hearing loss is caused by anything that interferes with the transmission of sound from the outer to the inner ear. Both of these hearing losses affect daily life because you may experience difficulty localizing sounds or understanding speech in busy environments and participating in everyday normal conversations which can lead to social isolation, frustration, tension, anger, stress and depression. 6. ) Meniere’s Disease – Is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, though usually in one ear. It affects daily life because for some, sounds appear tiny or distorted and may experience unusual sensitivity to noises. In addition, you may experience a sensation of fullness or pressure in one or both ears and unilateral or bilateral tinnitus. Some may have parasitic symptoms, which aren’t necessarily symptoms of Meniere’s, but rather side effects from other symptoms. Typically these are nausea, vomiting and sweating. 7. ) Ataxia – Is an inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movement, most often results from disorders of the cerebellum or the posterior columns of the spinal cord; may involve the limbs, head or trunk. Affects one’s daily life because it can alter a person’s walking pattern. For e. . wide based unsteady gain with difficulty stopping, turning and problem walking in poorly lit areas. It can cause falls due to postural instability, difficulty with tasks requiring fine control and coordination, tremors during voluntary movement, slurred speech and altered handwriting. 8. ) Hyposomnia – literally means â€Å"less† sleep. I t is a condition whereby a person does not need as much sleep as a normal individual. Specifically, they sleep less than 6 hours per night, but are adequately rested. It may occur at the onset, during or at the termination of sleep, and is common among the elderly. It affects daily life because the person that sleeps less but feels they need more experience the same problems as the person with insomnia that cannot sleep more than a few hours but feel they need more. It affects everyday life and activities because it is usually accompanied by general emotional upset, depression, or anxiety. References Conductive and Sensorineural hearing loss | Hearing Aid Know. (n. d. ). Hearing aids – hearing loss – help, information and blog – hear aids | Hearing Aid Know. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://www. hearingaidknow. om/2007/10/25/conductive-and-sensorineural-hearing-loss/ Detached Retina (or Retinal Detachment): Eye Conditions: Patient Care: U-M Kellogg Eye Center. (n. d. ). University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://www. kellogg. umich. edu/patientcare/conditions/detached. retina. html Manan Hearing Care | Types of Hearing Loss. (n. d. ). Manan Hearing Care | #1 Midwest On-Site Hearing Care. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://mananhearing. com/types_of_hearing_loss. html Meniere's disease – MayoClinic. com. (n. d. ). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/menieres-disease/DS00535 What is Cataracts?. (n. d. ). Consumer Reports: Expert product reviews and product Ratings from our test labs. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://www. consumerreports. org/health/conditions-and-treatments/cataracts/what-is-it. htm What is Glaucoma? | Glaucoma Research Foundation. (n. d. ). Glaucoma Research Foundation. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from http://www. glaucoma. org/glaucoma/what-is-glaucoma. php? gclid=CO2f2Jvns6wCFY3KKgodyH2rIQ hyposomnia (thing)@Everything2. com. (n. d. ). Everything2. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Physiological Changes Essay

In order to compensate, more salt is added to the diet. This can contribute to, or exacerbate, a pre existing high blood pressure condition. Changes to the gastrointestinal system can seriously affect the overall body of an older adult. Reduced saliva and imbalanced stomach acid contribute to dehydration and bowel problems. Ulcers can result from the imbalanced stomach acid and limited movement. Sometimes these can become bad enough that surgery is necessary. Then, the person is exposed to a higher susceptibility of alternate infections and secondary problems. Decreased muscle mass causes a lack of physical strength and endurance. Overall body composition begins to change in the older adult. Fat in the body increases as muscle mass decreases. Joints stiffen as glucosamine is lost. Ligaments between bones loosen. When an older person tries to walk, just as they did before, they can likely have a fall. This can lead to broken bones. Within the body’s organ system, plaque begins to build up in arterial walls. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to work harder. This is one explanation for the decreased energy and stamina in older adults. With decreased circulation comes a lack of oxygen throughout the entire body system. Dry skin and general forgetfulness becomes common in the older adult. Cognitive decline begins to happen along with the physical changes occurring with age. Illness, disease, memory loss, and changes in a person’s environment can all contribute to physiological decline. Due to lack of physical exercise, proper hydration, and lack of oxygen, emotional stress becomes a serious issue. As stress levels increase, physical stress increases. This cycle becomes reciprocal in nature. Hormonal changes occur simultaneously. This can be detrimental to body’s ability to process vital nutrients in the dietary intake. The imbalance in hormone levels causes issues with insulin and glucose levels. Lack of hormonal balance and dehydration contributes to poorly maintained nerves. Stress is both a result of these changes and a contributor to them. Hearing loss impacts a person’s social abilities and can lead to isolation. Some older adults may be embarrassed at their lack of ability to hear or understand everyday conversation. They tend to withdraw from social opportunities and become susceptible to depression. Along with hearing loss, comes lack of vision. Cataracts, lack of sensitivity to light, and decreased blood supply to the retina all contribute to the inability to correctly see in one’s environment. This can lead to accidents within the living space. The last factor to consider is socioeconomic status. During retirement, income may decrease and medical costs increase. One of the first areas impacted is the affordability of food containing proper nutrition. Social events are not always accessible. These environmental changes coupled with the physiological changes can accelerate physical and mental decline. Supportive services do help to increase both longevity and the quality of life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fundamental Factors Affecting Quality Essay

The nine fundamental factors (9 M’s), which are affecting the quality of products and services, are: markets, money, management, men, motivation, materials, machines and mechanization. Modern information methods and mounting product requirements. 1. Market: Because of technology advancement, we could see many new products to satisfy customer wants. At the same time, the customer wants are also changing dynamically. So, it is the role of companies to identify needs and then meet it with existing technologies or by developing new technologies. 2. Money: The increased global competition necessitates huge outlays for new equipments and process. This should be rewarded by improved productivity. This is possible by minimizing quality costs associated with the maintenance and improvements of quality level. 3. Management: Because of the increased complex structure of business organization, the quality related responsibilities lie with persons at different levels in the organization. 4. Men: The rapid growth in technical knowledge leads to development of human resource with different specialization. This necessitates some groups like, system engineering group to integrate the idea of full specialization. 5. Motivation: If we fix the responsibility of achieving quality with each individual in the organization with proper motivation techniques, there will not be any problem in producing the designed quality products. 6. Materials: Selection of proper materials to meet the desired tolerance limit is also an important consideration. Quality attributes like, surface finish, strength, diameter etc., can be obtained by proper selection of material. 7. Machines and mechanization: In order to have quality products which will lead to higher productivity of any organization, we need to use advanced machines and mechanize various operations. 8. Modern information methods: The modern information methods help in storing and retrieving needed data for manufacturing, marketing and servicing. 9. Mounting product requirements: Product diversification to meet customers taste leads to intricacy in design, manufacturing and quality standards. Hence, companies should plan adequate system to tackle all these requirements.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Article two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article two - Essay Example Engaging in corporate responsibility gives the company a better image and consumers will want to engage more in the products being offered ( Crane, 21). Social responsibility can take different forms, the most popular being committing funds or resources for important social aspects. An example is donating money towards funding a facility for the blind. Another form of social responsibility is producing goods and services that are in the best interest of the whole community such as environmental friendly products or use of safe manufacturing materials. According to (Crane, 79) the best form of corporate social responsibility should integrate the two forms mentioned above. Produce environmental friendly products and funding charitable activities. Conclusively, the benefits of social responsibility include easy government relations. Companies have a more positive outlook if they take social responsibility seriously. No problems or campaigns will be launched against such companies. It also benefits the public relations by shaping consumer image and acting as a branding tool. Last it provides a positive environment in the working place. The employees are more productive knowing that they are engaging with a company that cares about the society (crane,

Neither human beings nor their bodies should be commodities that can Essay

Neither human beings nor their bodies should be commodities that can be traded on the market. Discuss this question - Essay Example Human trafficking and sale of body organs are classified into different categories of trade of human beings and their bodies. One of the categories that can be outlined in sale of human body is kidney transplant or any transplant that can lead to deliverance of human life as it would lead to change in his health condition. This king of trade on human bodies is regarded fair by many people but there are still a number of people who believe that the practice is abhorrent and should be prohibited. Although the society harbors the aversion to activities conducted on corpse, it encourages and tolerates especially through legalization the transplant activities and forensic postmortems (Price, 2000, p. 32). The other kind of human trafficking and sale of human parts involves sale of certain body parts illegally or trading people for slaves where they are taken for hard labor, discrimination and sexual manipulation. This kind of human trade is unacceptable to many people and thus it is disre garded all over the world. The experts who participate in the transplant operations advice people to judge the two activities with sense of ethical measures. The element of choice is essential. However, when making choices, one must consider moral, humanitarian and social purpose of the choice and law (Gallagher, 2012, p. 7). For instance, sale of human bodies for other purpose like witchcraft, sexual activities, child labor, and other forms of discrimination should not be treated as sale of human organs or donation for transplant. One form of human trafficking that leads to discrimination on human beings is slavery and sexual manipulation. Discrimination can be described as unequal or unjust treatment of individuals or groups of people based on their human attributes. Discrimination may be differential treatment or disparate impact. This is witnessed where people are captured or

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Eurozone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Eurozone - Essay Example The eurozone is the subset of European Union member states, which have adopted the euro (Eurozone 2005). There are 12 member countries in the eurozone: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France (except pacific territories using CFP franc), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain (Eurozone 2005). The rapid and smooth transition - and the successful logistical operation involving the transfer of billions of euro notes and coins to banks, retail stores, and vending machines - is a boost for the European Central Bank (ECB), which masterminded the operation (Schifferes 2002). When the 12 member states that currently comprise the eurozone gave up their currencies in favour of the euro, the European Central Bank took on the responsibility of monitoring monetary policy for the eurozone (Eurzone and the single currency 2005). Euro notes and coins is now being use by more than 300 million eurozone citizens. Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City also use the euro, although they are not officially euro members or members of the European Union (They previously used currencies that were replaced by the euro.) They now mint their own coins, with their own national symbols on the reverse. These countries use the euro by virtue of agreements concluded with European Union member states (Italy in the case of San Marino and Vatican City, France in the case of Monaco), on behalf of the European Community (Eurozone 2005). Likewise, Montenegro and Kosovo, which used to have the German mark as their de facto currency, also adopted the euro without having entered into any legal arrangements with the European Union explicitly permitting them to do so. They use the euro instead of the Serbian dinar, mainly for political reasons (Eurozone 2005).The other 13 countries of the European Union that do not use the euro are: Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the ten member states that joined the Union on 1 May 2004; namely Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Denmark and the United Kingdom got special derogations in the original Maastricht Treaty of the European Union. Both countries are not legally required to join the euro unless their governments decide otherwise, by either parliamentary vote or referendum (Eurozone 2005). Surrendering monetary policy to the European Central Bank (ECB) is an act of political will, and current members of the eurozone are still besieged with its economic consequences (Ezoneplus 2004). There are 31 nations, states and territories using the euro, including seven French and five Spanish overseas territories, two Balkan states, Kosovo and Montenegro, and strangely enough Cuba, where the Euro has been designated as the official currency at one of the biggest beach resorts. The rest of Cuba uses the Cuban peso, which is tied to the US dollar (Robinson 2002).Since the adoption of the single currency by the eurozone countries, there are wide variations in the economic performance of the individual states in the eurozone. There was supposed to be increased convergence of the economic cycles of individual eurozone as the euro stabilised. However, this did not come to past (Eurozone and the single currency 2005). Moreover, the eurozone economy is still greatly influenced by the per formance of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Power from the play Freakshow by Carson Kreitzer Essay

Power from the play Freakshow by Carson Kreitzer - Essay Example Flip, but lacking any ability to escape from their situation lacking other viable options in society. As Francine Russo of the Village Voice writes in her review of the play: â€Å"Playwright Carson Kreitzer gets Freakshow off to a ripping start. She plunges the audience immediately into the intrigues of a turn-of-the-century sideshow— tales of freaks born and made, of the genuine article and gaff, of the ‘shame of exhibition’ and the terrible need to be seen. She sketches the liaisons among Amalia; her muck-covered lover Matthew; the idiot Pinhead; Aquaboy, the human salamander; the Girl, a pert runaway; Judith, the dog-faced woman; and Mr. Flip, the operation's unctuous barker, promoter, and paterfamilias.† (Russo, 1999) Most symbolic of the enslavement of the circus slideshow performers is the way that Pinhead is kept in a cage on the stage. Whereas the mental capacity or genetic defect of Pinhead is deformed, it is important that this type of handicap w ould generally be better treated in a mental hospital or care facility. The symbol of the cage is ironic, in that the cage is equally present for the other members of the freakshow, only invisible. The key difference between the other freakshow members and Pinhead is their amazing wit, intelligence, and irony fuses to form a type of wisdom about life and society that only the truly excluded outsiders can possess. The intellect of Judith the Dog Faced Woman and Amalia the Amputee is also displayed as an aspect of sexuality that transgresses the barriers and boundaries of the disability and attracts the audience in a seductive manner. The humor of the characters creates a beauty born of understanding life from its worst positions of fate. On the contrary, the slavemaster mentality of Mr. Flip is merely a hyper-exaggerated example of typical modern management styles, and the circus itself a parody of capitalism in the extreme. Where the mainstream society operates on norms and stereoty pes of beauty in media advertising, the circus beauties are the hideous bottom of what would be considered opposite to that ideal popularly. Yet, in this extreme, the fascination and attraction of the public is nearly as great. The difference is that Mr. Flip is more likely to profit from the attraction of the public and their admission fees, while the freakshow cast is only given reprieve from having to exist without a role in society. As Damien Jaques writes: â€Å"Often using monologs, ‘Freakshow’ darkly speaks to the contradictions, anomalies and paradoxes that reside beneath the surface in all of our personalities. It reminds us to not make assumptions about people or situations, and it sheds light on the dependencies that often shape the lives of seemingly ordinary people. An undercurrent of primal sexuality insistently flows through the piece.† (Jaques, 2010) The Ringmaster is the most normal of the â€Å"Freakshow† cast in many ways, a simple salar y-man broken by time and the weight of futility like so many others in his situation in the mainstream industrial landscape. His love of the freakshow in many ways operates on the same pattern of the public, and is related to his own depravity as a human being. Just as in Dostoevsky’s novels the characters seem fated to walk a path of self-destruction, all the while knowing that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals Essay

Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals - Essay Example attributes concerning this proposition, he specifically delineates immaturity as the initial stage at which an unenlightened man is to be found then only by finding courage with reason can an individual attain to the state of competence and abolish ignorance. Kant argues that â€Å"our will is good when it is determined by reason† and the courage serves as a fuel toward the execution of reason. On this ground, humans are summoned to acknowledge responsibility by way of paying courage worth on initiating to acquire the pertinent means to discern oneself and create appropriate ethical response to the world. The power of reason is crucial and Kant promotes it for the sake of enlightenment much as he adheres to the power of reason for the purpose of obeying the dictates of universal law. Reflecting after this regard, I believe that the philosopher in his time desires to bring across resolution to the chaotic nature of man under the governance of reasoning so that a man discovers the potential advantage of being rational. For one to realize the value attached with duty, Kant likely conveys the requirement to appreciate reason. Moreover, he seems to try to make sense of reason in the light of distinguishing an action that comes from the pure intention to perform duty from an action that emerges out of self-interest or inclination. Here, Kant calls for the need to understand how reason manages to sustain enlightenment in human and in turn, the enlightened condition naturally opts for a deed with moral quality. A man whose well-being has reached such an extent of intellect or thought can be expected to act based on the so-called ‘maxim’ with the basic principle that â€Å"the moral action is to do one’s duty†. This I suppose is equivalent to claiming that a morally conscious person is one who has been refined in the process of enlightenment out of which proceeds the imperative of goodwill. Practically speaking, our experience of the world reveals that it is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Leadership Models Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership Models - Assignment Example In the 21st century and a greater part of the 19th century leadership has become an exercise void of coercion. Scholars have in the recent past; therefore, put forth lucrative ideas as to how one should describe leadership. The English philosopher Herbert Spencer states that society defines leadership; meaning leaders and their subsequent leadership traits are a product of pre-existing, existing and future societal rules, laws and norms. Granted, this description takes into account the subjective nature of all dynamic societies (Kellerman, 2004). Types of leadership Based on Herbert Spencer’s description it is imperative that there exists various forms of leadership to satisfy the different set of societal circumstances. There are, therefore, various forms of leadership styles that may occur in both the formal and informal setting. Discussed herein are four types of leadership: Autocratic leadership Bureaucratic leadership Democratic leadership Delegative leadership Transforma tional leadership I) Autocratic leadership Autocratic leadership is the form of leadership where the person in power exercises full control over individuals. Decisions are enforced by rewards and the fear of punishment. Also, communication tends to be primarily in one direction that is, from the leaders to the followers. The followers in this case have little control over matters even those very personal to them. This is because the leader allows very little or no input at all to the decisions they make (Clawson (2006). Application in work setting: Autocratic leadership does not provide for consultation and is, therefore, very beneficial when a project requires quick decision-making. Such projects are usually time sensitive or of weighty ethical significance such that one cannot afford to engage in controversial consultation. Change in society is inevitable but there are forces that hold it back. In a situation where quick change is needed this is the best form of leadership to adop t as it does not give room for stalling. The leader should be the most knowledgeable member of the group in order to cement their assertiveness. However, this form of leadership can cause followers to be subject to abuse by the leader. This is because the leader has so much power on their side. Secondly societies under this form of leadership are not cohesive as there is always conflict between the followers and the leaders. Finally, progression is hindered when autocratic leadership is in play. In most cases the leader makes decisions on their own, disregarding other peoples opinions that may be more lucrative hence hindering creativity (Kellerman, 2004). II) Bureaucratic Leadership In bureaucratic leadership, the leader is keen on ensuring that followers adhere to rules, regulations and procedures in an accurate and consistent manner. This leadership style emerges from the transactional theories, which base leadership on a system of rewards and punishments. The leader in this case expects that followers conduct themselves in a formal manner towards each other and even those outside their setting. The leader has certain distinct privileges that set them apart from the rest. This feature causes this form of leadership to be big on titles and roles. Adhering to the set rules results in reward while going against them may result in punishment or exclusion. This form of leadership flourishes over long periods and is, therefore,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sales Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sales Management - Assignment Example However this is not the case because they are being constantly let down by the sales managers and indeed the policy adopted by Mike Dalton. As Dalton believes in offering the sales representatives with the remuneration package alone and no salary, this stands as a very negative connotation of the entire payment structure. If for instance a sales representative is unable to find a single sales lead in a particular period of time, he would not receive any payments at all. It would mean that all his hard work and devotion for the sake of IFP would essentially go to waste. What is important is to understand how IFP can give its best to its own employees who are indeed receiving nothing at all, more so when they are being committed to the company and its stance in essence. There is a dire need to understand how IFP’s viewpoint would be taken over by the employees. I do not agree that the employees would be on their toes if they receive just the compensation for the sales leads that they bring in instead of the salaries that they should be getting (Weitzul 1993). This is a direct case of meting out differential treatment for the employees because they are being hard done by. Justice needs to be done so that they remain motivated and glued to their respective jobs. The remuneration package used by Mike Dalton might not serve the purpose of the sales representatives and indeed the employees at large because it does not warrant a just policy to meet their most basic needs at work. This should be done away with at the earliest so that the employees might heave a sigh of relief and work to their best effect in the future (Gunsch 1991). The sales team will always be at the mercy of their sales leads and they thus know that if they fall short on this count, they would be removed from their jobs and hence their termination would mean a lot of economic problems for not only their own selves

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How are people presented in Vultures Essay Example for Free

How are people presented in Vultures Essay Both Vultures and Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes are presented using people. They both represent people in some way and both include the people in different forms. The poem Vultures presents the people using the vultures. These vultures represent people of a certain kind. In real life vultures are real birds of prey, but in the poem they are trying to represent the types of people. The poem, Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes, people are presented through the division in society. Vultures are shown that humans arent so different to animals; it is shown that both animals and humans are shown through their actions. It is shown that vultures are bad in real life because of what they do, but behind all the disgusting habits there is care shown. They appear to have care for each other and therefore this shows us that even though people do bad things, they still have some good factors about them. Both animals and humans are shown through their actions and imagery to show that they are caring even though they have evil within them. For example, it starts off with how the two vultures are picking the eyes of a swollen corpse and how they eat the contents of the bowel. This shows that they are grotesque and very evil. But straight after this, the vultures are shown to be nestling together affectionately and lovingly. In spite of the nasty diet, the vultures appear to care for each other. From this the author goes on to show that even the worst of human beings shoe some touches of humanity. Then he compares the vultures to a commander n Belson. He goes on to consider the love a concentration camp commander shows to his family having spent his day burning human corpses, he buys them sweets on the way home The poet remarks on the strangeness of love, existing in places people would not have thought possible. This is the same way that the vultures are presented which links it in comparison to people; the vultures are compared with the Nazi Commandant who preyed greedily and ruthlessly on people who were supposedly weaker than him, but could still show compassion towards people that he loved, such as his family. This is the same way that the vultures are presented which links it in comparison to people and the vultures are compared with the Nazi Commandant who preyed greedily on people who were supposed to be weaker than him, but could still show compassion towards people that he loved, such as his family. In Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes, people are presented from two different sides of the society. It shows two garbage men and contrasts them with an elegant, rich couple in a Mercedes. Its about two pairs of people meeting for a moment in a busy city at nine oclock in the morning. They are strangers and never speak to each other. They are only near each other because they are waiting for the traffic lights to change. The first pair of people are two dustmen. They are finishing their working day and going back to the depot. They are hanging off the back of the dustbin lorry and looking down at a couple in a Mercedes sports car. These people in the Mercedes seem the very opposite of the dustbin men. They are starting their day and seem rich, successful and fashionable. The poem makes lots of contrasts between the two pair and it seems to criticise the society which makes the differences between people so large. When the poets describing the dustbin men, it is often negative, dirty and cheap. For instance, their jackets are plastic, they are grungy, and he calls them scavengers. We usually think of scavengers as animals that live off whatever others leave behind, like vultures. And in a way thats what they are they are paid to take away what others dont want, but they do an important job and we couldnt live without them. The poet describes the couple in the Mercedes in a very positive way. He wears a suit and her hair is nicely done, and their car shows just how rich they must be, but at the same time the poet also seems to criticise this couple. He says its like watching an odourless TV advert, so they dont look like real people and they sound too good to be true. The poet then shows us how two of the men are similar. They are the same age, wear sunglasses and have long hair. And of course they live in the same city they should be equal. This idea is made very clear at the end. The four people are next to each other, but there is a gulf between them they are living in different worlds. The language in Vultures is very negative towards the people, and also has a strong influence on how the people are presented. There are a lot of pessimistic adjectives used to describe the opening lines of the poem, and also to present the vultures throughout the poem. For example in the first couple of lines in the poem greyness is used, which create the idea that it is a dull scene, but the contrast with the words sunbreak give a more positive effect. The poem uses a similar technique to present the vultures, for every positive point about them; there is a different negative point presented. The metaphor, bashed in head, a pebble on a stem rooted in a dump of gross feathers creates a negative image of the vultures. Various words are use to create disgusting images of the birds. It says they picked the eyes of a swollen corpse. This is presented as an inhumane thing to do. The vultures are picking at the body of either a dead animal. After this the poet presents the juxtaposing idea of how the birds love each other. People are presented in comparison to the vultures using the example of the brutal Nazi Commandant at the Belsen concentration camp. The poem states how the commandant goes home with the fumes of human roast clinging rebelliously to his hairy nostrils. This emphasises the more negative side. The word hairy compares the commandant to the vultures as it is a description which also applies to the vultures feathers. The poem also says how the commandant stops at the sweet shop to buy a chocolate for his child. The poet uses the phrase tender offspring to refer to the child; the word tender suggests that there is a close, caring and loving relationship between the commandant and his child. Therefore this shows the more positive side to the poem. The use of the word offspring, which usually refers to the child of an animal, links people to the vultures in the poem. So the poem presents humans negatively, with an evil side, but also shows how these kinds of people also have a more tender side to them, just like the vultures. It compares people with animals such as vultures. Overall the words used are both negative and then follow a positive point. Two Scavengers in a Truck, two Beautiful People in a Mercedes uses linguistic features to present people. In the first couple of lines, the colours yellow and red are used to describe the garbage men. These colours are bright and suggest brightness into their lives. The adjective used to describe the people in the Mercedes is elegant and this is repeated, which suggests the couple are boring as there are no other adjectives to describe them. This also emphasises on the word and shows that they are very posh and therefore quite snobby. This is ironic as you would expect the couple to have a better life whereas the garbage men are expected to have a boring and dull life. The way that the couple are dressed and appear is described using various phrase and adjective; hip, three-piece linen suit, shoulder length blond hair sunglasses, young blond woman and casually coifed. All of the previous suggest that the couple are superior to the garbage men. This is because they are modern and are living what can be described as The American Dream. The garbage men are described more negatively, the first one id referred to as having grey iron hair, hunched back and gargoyle Quasimodo. The word grey contrasts with the earlier colours but also suggests that he is quite dirty, the phrase gargoyle Quasimodo implies that he is ugly and compares him to the Hunchback of Notre Dame, who was very caring and loving despite his appearance. The second of the garbage men is described the same as the Mercedes driver, however you know that they are nothing alike from other references and also because the two men are collectively described as scavengers and grungy. The use of the word scavengers suggest the two men are poor and the fact that they are garbage men emphasises this further. Overall it is shown that the garbage men are dirtier but have a more interesting life, whereas the elegant couple are shown to have the more boring life. One of the unusual things about the poem is that it doesnt have clear sentences, full stops or commas. Even the lines dont all start in the same place some lines start on the left, some on the right and some in the middle. This is done on purpose. The four people are together for a few seconds and the poet quickly notes down some differences. It also means that when you read it, you stop at different places, and this might make you think about different ideas in the poem, and what you think of modern life. The two poems present people in different way using different adjectives and linguistic features. They also show that people are not in anyway perfect in their actions and appearances. Therefore by these two poems we are shown that people can be both evil and kind and also you cannot judge a book by its cover. The two garbage men are referred to as scavengers with a low status, whilst the young people are described as elegant. The poem is set in what can be described as a snapshot in time, which is when they are waiting at the traffic lights. Although the two groups of people are presented completely differently in terms of status they sill exist in the same place at the same time which is what brings them together.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Fruit Fly Introduction Essay Example for Free

Fruit Fly Introduction Essay The purpose of this lab is to understand how each offspring inherits its genotype and how its phenotype reflects it. Sex chromosomes determine the sex of the offspring, and the autosomes consist of all the other chromosomes that determine phenotypic traits. Dominant traits are the genes that are expressed, while the recessive traits are masked by the dominant traits. We used Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), mutating the female fruit fly with a scalloped gene to change the phenotype of its offspring and using males with genes showing wild-type. Placing WT males and SD females in the same vile, we provided the flies an atmosphere to mate, giving us offspring with mixed genotypes and phenotypes. This experiment will reflect the breeding of fruit flies and how genes are present within adults as well as passed down through the offspring. Our four hypotheses related to mode of inheritance that was used to pass the gene. The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal dominant. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous dominant. The male parent genotype is homozygous recessive. From this hypothesis we expect all of the offspring to have a heterozygous genotype, and the offspring would all be scalloped†¦. The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal recessive. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous recessive. The genotype of the male parent is homozygous dominant. From the hypothesis we can expect the offspring to have heterozygous genotypes, but the offspring’s phenotype would be wild type†¦. The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked dominant. The genotype of the female is homozygous dominant. The genotype of the male parent is hemizygous recessive. From this hypothesis we can expect all the female offspring to be heterozygous and all the male offspring to be hemizygous dominant. Both male and female offspring would be scalloped†¦.. Finally, the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked recessive. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous recessive. The genotype of the male parent is hemizygous dominant. From this hypothesis we can expect all the females to have heterozygous genotypes and all the male offspring to have hemizygous recessive genotypes. In this prediction, all the male offspring would be scalloped, while the females would be wild type†¦.. The hypothesis that stated the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal dominant, and the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked dominant predicted that all of the offspring are scalloped. To set up the reciprocal cross, the mutant gene was given to the male rather than the female from the first experiment and the female received the wild-type. The first hypothesis stated was that the mode of inheritance for scalloped is autosomal dominant. In this hypothesis the female genotype was homozygous recessive while the male’s was homozygous dominant. The offspring from this cross had heterozygous genotypes and expressed the mutant phenotype. †¦. The mode of inheritance for scalloped is autosomal recessive. In this cross, the male parent had a homozygous recessive genotype, while the female had a homozygous dominant genotype. The result of this was that all of the offspring had a heterozygous genotype and expressed the wild type phenotype. †¦ The mode of inheritance for scalloped is sex linked dominant. In this cross the female parent had a homozygous recessive genotype while the male had a hemizygous dominant genotype. The female offspring from this cross were heterozygous and expressed the mutant phenotype, while the male offspring had a hemizygous recessive genotype and expressed the wild type phenotype. †¦ The mode of inheritance for scalloped is sex linked recessive. In this cross, the female parent had a homozygous dominant genotype while the male parent had a hemizygous recessive genotype. The female offspring of this cross had a heterozygous genotype while the males had a hemizygous dominant genotype. All offspring expressed the wild type phenotype†¦. Each of the Punnett squares are possible outcomes of offspring phenotypes based on the genotypes of the parents. By comparing our results to that of the Punnett square’s we will be able to determine, through process of elimination, whether or not the mutation is a dominant or recessive trait and if it appears through an autosomal or sex linked chromosome. Based on the phenotypes of the offspring, we can infer the identifications of the parental genotypes.

Factors Affecting Human Comfort In Buildings

Factors Affecting Human Comfort In Buildings Introduction There are many factors that affect human comfort in the internal built environment. Human comfort is affected by thermal factors; physical factors and personal factors. Another factor that can affect human comfort is sound of the environment around them. The final factor that affects the human comfort is the visual of the room and the light intensity. There are ways to measure the physical factors that affect human thermal comfort, the sound comfort and the visual comfort. Thermal Factors The average temperature inside a building is 19-21 degrees and outside is -1 degrees, but there are two different thermal factors that affect the temperature of the room and human comfort; they are physical and personal factors. The physical factors include; air temperature, mean radiation temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. The air temperature inside of a building will change depending on the temperature outside the building and the k-values of the materials used to build the walls and insulation. K-values are the values that all materials have which shows how good insulators the materials are, the lower the k-value the more affective the materials are at retaining heat. The u-value is what overall heat resistance of the materials are. Air temperature is also affected by the people inside the building and they activity they are doing. The mean radiant temperature also affects the human comfort; mean radiant temperature is the radiation that is coming into the building f rom windows and walls, balanced against the radiation given off by the human body. The relative humidity is another factor that affects the air temperature; the relative humidity is the percentage of water vapour saturation that is in the air. The final physical factor that affects human comfort is the air velocity; this is the movement of the air throughout a building or a room. This can be affected by the convection in the room, the warm air enters a room and rises to the ceiling, pushing the cold air downwards and draught also changes the air velocity, the cold air flows into the room and makes the temperature of the draught path colder that the room temperature. Physical and Personal Factors There are also personal factors that can affect the human comfort in a building, they include; age, gender, state of health, clothing and the level of activity. The age of a person greatly affects the temperature of a room; older people give off less heat then younger people. Gender is also a factor that affects the temperature given off by people, females give off less heat than males, and they give off 85% of what the male body gives off. The state of health of the person also affects the heat that they give off and the temperature of the room, a person who is sick or has an illness gives off less heat that a person who is physically healthy. The clothing you are wearing also affects the temperature that you need to be comfortable, depending on the weight of the clothing you will need different temperatures to feel comfortable e.g. swimwear 29 degrees, light clothing 25 degrees, suit, jumper 22 degrees, coat, glove, hat 14 degrees. The level of activity you are doing also affects t he heat that you give off and the temperature needed to feel comfortable. Sleeping 70W, watching TV 115W, office 140W, factory work 265W, lifting 440W. Audio / Sound Factors The sound of the environment that a person is in greatly affects their comfort in the building. Sound is a form of energy that is transmitted in pressure waves and changes depending on the pressure of the air in the room. Sound is the vibration of the particles in a wave that send the particles in all directions and spread out; this creates a pattern of refraction and compaction. Sound has two different sources and types where it can originate from, they are impact/structure-borne sound and air-bourn sound. These are different as they are where the source of the sound comes from. Air-bone sound is sound which travels through the air before reaching a partition, meaning that the vibrations must have travelled through the air before they reach the partition. Main sources of air-borne noise are; voices, radios and musical instruments. Impact sound is vibrations that are generated on the partition and a continuous vibration can be classed as a series of impact noises in succession. Impac t noise does not travel through air like air-borne noise does. The main sources of impact noise are; footsteps, slamming door and vibrating machinery. It is important to know the difference between impact and air-borne noise as the methods that are used to prevent them are very different. However a single source could generate both air-born and impact noise e.g. footsteps, on the floor below the origin the sound would be impacts as it is started on the partition, but in the room of the sound it travels through the it before reaching the partition making it both air-born and impact. Both types of sound have different ways of preventing, so different installations must be put in to insulate from the type of sound. Air-born sound can be prevented by mass of partitions e.g. thick walls as lightweight particles give very little resistance unless they are in layers. The main ways that impact sounds are prevented is by using vibration pads and soft covering on floors and walls. Sound rever berates, so if a sound suddenly stops the sound will not stop instantly. The time taken for the reverberation of a sound decays at different rates depending on the area of the exposed surfaces, sound absorption values of the materials used in the building, the distance between the surfaces and the sound and the frequency of the sound. Visual / Lighting Factors The final factor that affects human comfort is light intensity. If the light levels are too low or too high then it will not be as suitable. Light travels in rays and bounces off objects and into the eye. The rays cannot bend so they must go in straight lines, but light can be refracted through certain materials which can bend the beam slightly. The light needs to be the right intensity so that the eyes dont have to strain too much if it is too dark or if the light is too bright it may blind. Light can be controlled by letting certain amounts of natural light through windows and also by the brightness of the artificial light from the light bulbs. Natural light can be controlled by using darkened windows and the artificial light can be controlled by having dimmers on the lights to change the intensity as the intensity of natural light changes. Glare can affect the human comfort, glare is a light intensity that is too high reflecting off a surface and reflecting into the eyes making it difficult to see detail or may cause visual discomfort. P2- Describe how each factor is measured There are methods that are used to measure the physical factors that affect human thermal comfort. To measure the physical factors, the instruments that are used are; thermometers, globe thermometer, hygrometer and anemometer. A thermometer is a device that is used to measure the temperature of a room, a thermometer includes a liquid that rises as the temperature does and on the side a scale that measures the temperature in  °C and degrees  °F. A globe thermometer is a device that measures radiant heat and consists of a thermometer sensor with a bulb located at the middle of a black copper bulb. The globe thermometers units of measurement are  °C. This can be used to calculate the mean radiant temperature providing that you know the air velocity and temperature. A hygrometer is an instrument that is used to measure that saturation of water vapour in the air of the surrounding environment. This instrument relies on the pressure, temperature, mass and mechanical or electrical cha nge. By calibrating the device and calculating the other factors the humidity can be worked out. It measures its units in percentages. An anemometer is a device used to measure the speed of wind, but there is also an anemometer that measures the pressure of wind, it consists of three or four cups that revolve around a shaft at different speeds depending on the wind temperature and pressure. They are measure in meters per second. Sound is measured using a sound level meter, this instrument analyses the sound that it picks up and uses electronics to convert the sound onto a digital scale. Sound level meter can pick up sound instantly or can be used to pick sound up over time and the average can be calculated. The intensity of light in a room can be measured using a light meter. The light meter woks using an electrical current which is generated by photosensitive electrons that detect the amount of light hitting the surface. This causes the electrons to react depending on the amount hitting the surface and is then converted into an electrical reading. P3- State acceptable values for each factor Each measurement has a range of acceptable values that affect the human comfort is the environment. The suitable range for temperature in a room is from 19 °C- 21 °C. This is also the same value with a globe thermometer. The acceptable value for the humidity of a room ranges from 40%-60%. The units of measurement that sound is calculated in is decibels and the suitable range in a workplace is from 135dB-137dB maximum. Light intensity is measured using Lux, the acceptable values for the intensity of light is 50- 100Lux. M1- Produce clearly worked, accurate answers for different calculations relating to human comfort in the internal environment 1) Calculate the U-value of a cavity wall with a 102.5mm thick brick outer leaf, 45mm of clear cavity, 50mm of fibre insulating board, 115mm of lightweight concrete block inner leaf and 15mm of dense plaster finish. Brickwork – 0.84 Cavity – 0.13 Fibre insulting board – 0.05 Concrete, lightweight – 0.19 Plaster, dense – 0.50 0.1025 + 0.05 + 0.115 + 0.015 + 0.13 =0.13 + 0.05 = 2.06728696742 0.84 0.05 0.19 0.50 1 = 0.483725779 2.06728696742 U-value = 0.48W/m ²K 2) Compare the U-values of a single-glazed window made up of one sheet of 14mm glass with a double-glazed window made up of two sheets of 28mm glass with a 20mm air gap between them. Comment on the difference in U-values and its effects. Glass – 1.022 Cavity – 0.13 Single-glazed = 0.014 + 0.13 + 0.05 = 0.19369863013 1.022 1 = 5.162659127 0.19369863013 U-value = 5.16W/m ²K Double-glazed = 0.028 + 0.028 + 0.13 + 0.13 + 0.05 = 0.36479452054 1.022 1.022 1 = 2.741269249 0.36479452054 U-value = 2.74W/m ²K The single-glazed has a higher U-value compared to the double-glazed. The difference in the U-value is 2.42; this makes a big difference in the insulation or resistance of heat. The higher U-value has less resistance and is a better insulator, so heat can easily escape. However the double-glazed has more resistance and cannot conduct the heat as well. 3) An un-insulated wall has a U-value of 0.92W/m ²K. If insulation board is added to the construction, what minimum thickness of this board is needed to reduce the U-value to 0.34W/m ²K? The conductivity of the insulation board is 0.028W/mK. 0.0565 + 0.92 = 2.93785714286 0.028 1 = 0.34048348655 2.93785714286 U-value = 0.34W/m ²K Insulation board = 56.5mm 4) A dwelling is 6m long by 4.5m wide by 2.4m high. In the walls, there are two windows, each 1m by 0.6m and a large door 2m by 0.8m. The construction has the following U-values: Windows – 4.8 Door – 3 Walls – 2.3 Roof – 0.15 Floor – 3 The inside environmental comfort temperature is 19 °C while the outside air temperature is -1 °C. The volumetric heat specific capacity of the air is 1300J/mK. There are 1.5 air changes per hour. Calculate the total rate of heat loss for the dwelling. Volume of room = 6 Ãâ€" 4.5 Ãâ€" 2.4 = 64.8m ³ Air change rate = 1.5 Volumetric specific heat for air = 1300J/mK Temperature difference = 20 °C 64.8 Ãâ€" 1.5 Ãâ€" 1300 Ãâ€" 20 = 702W 1 Rate of heat loss = 702W 5) Calculate the reverberation time for a hall which has a volume of 2000m ³ and a sound absorbing area of 350m ². 0.16 Ãâ€" 2000 = 0.91428571428 350 Reverberation time = 0.91s 6) A hall has a volume of 4000m ³ and a reverberation time of 1.6 seconds. Calculate the amount of extra absorption (m ²) required to obtain a reverberation time of 1 second. Comment on how the length of the reverberation time has an impact on activities. 4000 Ãâ€" 0.16 = 400 1.6 Extra absorption = 400m ² The length of reverberation time can have an impact on activities. Depending on the reverberation time may have a large effect on it. If the activity is a speech then the reverberation time needs to be lower. The ideal reverberation time for speech is 0.5 – 1 second. However, of the activity involves music then the reverberation time can be higher as the ideal reverberation time for music is 1.5 – 2 seconds. 7) Calculate the wavelength of sound in air at 40Hz. 340 = 8.5 40 Wavelength = 8.5 8) Calculate the illumination in lux (lx) at a desk in a room where there is a requirement for a 5% daylight factor. The external sky has been measure at 7300 lx. 7300 Ãâ€" 5 = 365 100 5% = 365lx D1- Analyse, in both qualitative and quantitative terms, the basic factors that affect human comfort In a building the human comfort can be affected by the temperature in the room, the light intensity and the sound levels in the room. If any of these are higher or lower than the acceptable values then the people might not be able to work to the best of their abilities or concentrate. The use of ventilation, the need and the relation to heat loss. The partitions used and the relation to sound and heat transfer. To make sure that the temperature in a room is constantly within the right values the ventilation and heating up of the new air has to be constant. This is so that the temperature changes cannot affect the workers in the office; if the temperature levels are changing constantly it can affect work rate and ability. Temperature can change quickly by being in a draft or the convection as the hot air rises and the cold air is pushed down. When the room is hot this can also increase the humidity in the room, when the humidity gets high it can make perspiring difficult. This makes the quality of the work that will be done lower and also makes the experience of the worker worse. The temperature can also be too low as well. If the temperature is too low then this will also have a negative effect on the work that will be done. When they are too cold it will cause shivering which will make working harder, if typing or writing. The sound in a room also affects the human comfort. If the noise level in a room is too high then the workers would be uncomfortable. If the sound is increased then this will make hearing much more difficult. This would also make listening to others harder and also following spoken instructions much more difficult to follow out. This could also have a permanent effect of the persons hearing and may partially or completely deafen them. this means that the quality of the work would not be done as well and may also not be done to the standard wanted due to a possible hearing disability. The amount of light in a room is also a factor that also affects human comfort. If the light levels are too high in a room then the worker may be unable to see well or if light is reflecting off surfaces into their eyes this may irritate the workers. This may also cause partial blindness or permanent blindness. The contrast in lights if they are working at a computer may also hurt their eyes due to straining them to see a screen or paper. However, if the light levels are too low this may also have a negative effect as well. If the light levels are too low this will also cause straining on the eyes and difficulty seeing. Also the contrast of lights in certain areas may have a harmful effect on the eyes of the workers. If the light on the screen is too bright compared to the inside and natural lighting then this could also hurt their eyes. Another factor which may affect human comfort would be the altitude that they are working at. If they are at a high altitude then there may be a lack of oxygen or knowing that they are high may make the workers feel nauseated and sick. At high altitudes people may experience increased bladder activity, decreased appetite, insomnia, swelling of hads, feet and knees and breathlessness. Ventilation is also needed in a working environment. If there is no ventilation then the room would have an insufficient supply of oxygen and exchange for fresh air. If the room is also too hot this will cause the room to be stuffy and will have a very bad effect on the workers. The ventilation can be shafts and windows. Windows will also allow light into the office so that the light levels will not be too low and this will also allow a large amount of oxygen into the offices. The partitions that are used in an office may be good and bad. The partitions could be too thin and you may be able to hear through the partitions, this could be distracting for workers and depending on the thickness of the partition, it may trap in too much heat or let too much heat escape making it difficult to work in conditions that arent correct. If an office has a large amount of natural light this can be good for the workers as they will feel like they are in a natural environment, also allowing enough fresh air at a constant temperature, however if it is very dark outside then it might make the workers feel colder and if it is too bright then it may make them feel too hot. This could be avoided by having curtains or blinds, which will also trap heat in if it is a cold day and keep the cold out.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Books are not Dying :: Free Essay Writer

Books are not Dying If people were asked to define the importance of the books they would probably state that books are dead or will be dead soon. In â€Å"books a dying are? don’t believe it†, Anne Proulx expressed her views books. She suggests â€Å"every other week someone says that books are dead or dying†. By analyzing which will focused on a meaning, a form and the style of the essay well reveal that books are not on the way to extinction. Through out the essay â€Å"books a dying art†, the author developed the thesis extremely well, so the reader could grasp the meaning of the essay. First, the thesis opens the introduction; it’s stated every clearly (par1), that every other day people says that books are dying, it compares with new technology. In similar manner, when television was invented people thought that the radio will diminished. The body of the essay consist nine paragraphs. The first paragraph of the body talks about people thinks â€Å"disappearance of books†(par2). As well as in our society no one reads book any more. In the second paragraph of the body, people are confused in â€Å"clouded direction of culture† (par3). Furthermore, the co-operations want to buy publishers because the books are becoming more interesting; also, books are coming in different languages. Mainly, the society has change, many years the books weren’t traveling anywhere, today for instant books a re found everywhere they are moving. For example, books are moving into hotel, motel, etc. Later in the paragraph the author Proulx talks about â€Å"electronic highway†(par6) is taking over the world. Although computers are taking over but people are not going to â€Å"sit down and read a novel on a twitchy little screen†(par6). In addiction, the books are the identification of the man & women â€Å"not software†. In my view, today in our society books are not disappearance; computer will never take over the books. In order to understand the thesis and the topic of an essay the text has to have some structure. In addiction, the essay has to have standard structure; the form helps readers understand the important of the topic. The essay â€Å"books a dying art?† falls in to formal category the author uses third person pronoun. Also, the source of the evident is historical â€Å"many year ago one could find only single title in black book†(par5). This quote refers to the Bible, in the past only book mote room could find is Bible, but thing has change now.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ideology in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black Veil Essay

Ideology in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black Veil Bennett and Royle in their textbook, Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory, define ideology as representing â€Å"†¦ ‘the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence’† (161). The ideology of self, of personal identity, is represented by a person’s perception of what is acceptable in their society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story, The Minister’s Black Veil, the minister appears before his community with a black veil covering his face. He gives no explanation for this apparel and the community becomes agitated that their minister refuses to remove it. The readers challenge is to discover why the minister wears the veil and why he won’t take it off. Hawthorne challenges the readers ideology of self with his choice of words, by showing how ideology is redefined by each subject, and by using as his form the technique of the parable. The parishioners expectations are shattered by the appearance of their beloved minister wearing a black veil over his face. Children, with bright faces, tripped merrily beside their parents, or mimicked in graver gait, in the conscious dignity of their Sunday clothes. Spruce bachelors looked sidelong at the pretty maidens, and fancied that the Sabbath sunshine made them prettier than on weekdays (Hawthorne 1) These expectations are portrayed by the way the story begins. Hawthorne uses words that suggest happiness; â€Å"bright† â€Å"merrily† â€Å"pretty† â€Å"fancied† and â€Å"sunshine†. But this ‘happiness’ vanishes with the appearance of the minister. The expectations of what is socially acceptable are challenged by the appearance of the black veil. â€Å"But what has good Parson Hooper got upon his face?† c... ...o understand the parable. A parable is used to explain something that is unexplainable and cannot be explained if the reader does not understand it. The reader is in constant danger throughout the reading of having his ideology of self shattered by the very real possibility that he won’t ‘get it’. The entire story is as obscure and shaky as ideology itself. Hawthorne’s choice of words throughout the story set up the reader for a continual bombardment of his/her ideology of self and societal expectations. Works Cited Bennett, Andrew and Nicholas Royle. Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory. 2nd Edition. New York: Prentice Hall, 1999. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†. Crown College. Accessed 27 Aug 2003. veilhawt.htm> Miriam Webster Dictionary. Accessed 27 Aug 2003.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Quality Management Systems and Vocational Education Assessment Essay

Quality Management Systems and Vocational Education Assessment Quality management systems such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Control (QC), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 focus on the continuous improvement of products and services, customer satisfaction, and participatory manage-ment. Although much has been written about quality management systems and their application in business, industry, and (more recently) education, little connection has been made between these systems and educational assessment. This paper explores the three most prestigious awards recognizing quality improvement in business and industry and describes how the criteria for business and industry assessments of quality can be correlated with vocational education assessment. Quality Improvement Awards The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recognizes quality improvement among manufacturing, service, and small business. The primary goal of the Baldrige Award is customer satisfaction. The award criteria reflect the following seven categories (Izadi et al. 1996, p. 62): leadership, information analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource development and management, management of process quality, quality and operational results, and customer focus and satisfaction. The Deming Application Prize, established in honor of Dr. W. Edward Deming, is awarded to companies that continually apply Company-Wide Quality Control and have achieved a certain quality standard (ibid.). The focus of this award is quality achievement of Deming's 14 points, which are verified through the use of statistical methods. The judging criteria consist of 10 major categories (ibid.): (1) policy and objectives, (2) organiza... ...try and education, and suggest strategies for implementation. References Bailey, T., and Merritt, D. Making Sense of Industry-Based Skill Standards. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1995. (ED 389 897) Clery, R. G. "ISO 9000 Quality Systems: Application to Higher Education." October 4, 1993. (ED 363 163) Inger, M. Alternative Approaches to Outcomes Assessment for Postsecondary Vocational Education. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1995. (ED 389 849) Izadi, M. et al. "Quality in Higher Education: Lessons Learned from the Baldrige Award, Deming Prize, and ISO 9000 Registration." Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 33, no. 2 (Winter 1996): 60-76. Michigan State Council on Vocational Education. Standards and Assessment. A Working Paper. Lansing, MI: MSCOVE, 1996. (ED 393 981) Quality Management Systems and Vocational Education Assessment Essay Quality Management Systems and Vocational Education Assessment Quality management systems such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Control (QC), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 focus on the continuous improvement of products and services, customer satisfaction, and participatory manage-ment. Although much has been written about quality management systems and their application in business, industry, and (more recently) education, little connection has been made between these systems and educational assessment. This paper explores the three most prestigious awards recognizing quality improvement in business and industry and describes how the criteria for business and industry assessments of quality can be correlated with vocational education assessment. Quality Improvement Awards The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recognizes quality improvement among manufacturing, service, and small business. The primary goal of the Baldrige Award is customer satisfaction. The award criteria reflect the following seven categories (Izadi et al. 1996, p. 62): leadership, information analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource development and management, management of process quality, quality and operational results, and customer focus and satisfaction. The Deming Application Prize, established in honor of Dr. W. Edward Deming, is awarded to companies that continually apply Company-Wide Quality Control and have achieved a certain quality standard (ibid.). The focus of this award is quality achievement of Deming's 14 points, which are verified through the use of statistical methods. The judging criteria consist of 10 major categories (ibid.): (1) policy and objectives, (2) organiza... ...try and education, and suggest strategies for implementation. References Bailey, T., and Merritt, D. Making Sense of Industry-Based Skill Standards. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1995. (ED 389 897) Clery, R. G. "ISO 9000 Quality Systems: Application to Higher Education." October 4, 1993. (ED 363 163) Inger, M. Alternative Approaches to Outcomes Assessment for Postsecondary Vocational Education. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 1995. (ED 389 849) Izadi, M. et al. "Quality in Higher Education: Lessons Learned from the Baldrige Award, Deming Prize, and ISO 9000 Registration." Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 33, no. 2 (Winter 1996): 60-76. Michigan State Council on Vocational Education. Standards and Assessment. A Working Paper. Lansing, MI: MSCOVE, 1996. (ED 393 981)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Essay

Through the years, America has made an overall improvement in eliminating discrimination, inequality and slavery and focusing more on inclusion, equal rights, and equal opportunity. Despite a considerable improvement, there are corporations and individuals that often revert to archaic means of treating employees, creating hostile environments. Consequently, different advocacy groups and laws still remain in effect and continue to evolve to protect the citizens and non-citizens of the USA. Overview of the EEOC’s Function  One particular group that exists to protect the employee is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC â€Å"is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. (Overview, para. 1)† The EEOC is committed to holding employers accountable for benefiting from the modern day enslavement of workers from other countries. Their job is to ensure that all workers foreign and those of the U. S. , are protected under the law and have the right to complain of such employment abuses which damage the foundation of our society. Compliance Issue and Lawsuit Background The article I chose involves a US company that trafficked over 200 Thai males to work for Global Horizons, Inc. , a Beverly Hills based farm labor contractor working alongside eight farms between 2003 and 2007. The individuals were falsely informed that they would have access to high paying jobs with temporary visas allowing them to live and work in the US. Once here, the individuals realized this was a lie and quickly experienced harassment, abuse, intimidation, and unequal pay. The employers threatened to deport them if they complained of the mistreatment. In addition, the employees were forced to live in housing infested with rats and insects (Carter, 2011). They were forced to sleep in tight quarters and some didn’t even have a bed. The Thai workers had all of their identification removed from their possession; the employees were left defenseless. Eventually, the Thai Community Development Center of Los Angeles brought victims to the EEOC to file charges of discrimination. The EEOC argued that Global Horizons engaged in a pattern or practice of national origin and race discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, which violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (EEOC, 2011). The EEOC sought back pay, compensatory and punitive damages on behalf of the victims, as well as injunctive relief intended to prevent further abuses at the companies and farms. This would uncover the cruel actions by Global Horizons and the farms for which they were employing these individuals. These farms, such as Del Monte Fresh Produce and Green Acre Farms, suffered reputation scrutiny and possible loss of profit after such discoveries. The EEOC’s Role The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit was to hold the employer accountable for benefiting from modern day enslavement so that companies could be aware of the ramifications of conducting such business. The EEOC first attempted to reach a pre-litigation settlement, and then filed the lawsuit in the U. S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. After no success, the EEOC quickly filed lawsuits in the U. S. District Court for the District of Hawaii and the U. S. District Court of the Eastern District of Washington. Social Impact This type of lawsuit promotes social change by making companies aware of the repercussions expected if such behavior is conducted in the United States towards citizens or non-citizens. Human trafficking is a modern day form of slavery and while it still continues to exist in modern business America, it is imperative that companies are made aware of the consequences they may subjected to should they choose to engage in such tactics. These types of lawsuits also promote healthy laws and advocate groups pushing for tougher laws so that employers cannot get away with such atrocities. It also makes employees aware of similar environments where they can quickly recognize if they find themselves in similar situations and who to go to for help. Businesses will do whatever it takes to make higher profits and quite often, they turn to illegal conduct thinking they may get away without consequence. Article Comparison In reviewing my article, I also compared it to an article from the internet published by CNN. Both articles seemed to have similarities by providing the same details and information as discussed in the EEOC article. After searching through several other articles, most included the same information as that provided by the EEOC. Management Perspective If I were a senior manager of Global Horizons, Inc. I would place tighter requirements upon hiring individual to conduct the contracting work. I would consider placing those individuals in the contracting positions in training classes to make them aware of what to do in the event they are faced with this type of situation. Because of the nature of the business involving labor work, I would enforce tighter regulations, initiate reviews, monitoring and would become more involved to avoid mistreatment of individuals. Managers and supervisors would be required to attend courses that stress inclusion, diversity, and harassment. All other employees would be required to attend the same courses, but these courses would also include information on how to report violations. Conclusion I believe that members of management from Global Horizons chose to keep quiet to reap the benefits of cheap labor. There is no excuse to have such behavior in today’s society after all the issues we have all faced as a country. Some improvement has been achieved but it is evident that there is more to be accomplished. Thanks to groups such as the EEOC, citizens and non-citizens can rest assured that there is protection available in the event of mistreatment.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The History of Affirmative Action

The history of affirmative action has its roots in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act provided the initial legal basis for affirmative action for women in the workplace. Affirmative action is a policy to encourage equal opportunity and to level the playing field for groups of people who have been and are discriminated against. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, affirmative action, â€Å"Is considered essential to assuring that jobs are genuinely and equally accessible to qualified persons, without regard to their sex, racial, or ethnic characteristics. Over the past few decades† roles for women in the workplace have increased. Many of the predominately male occupations have increasingly become more diverse. Affirmative action helps to promote diversity in employment and equality between genders. The effectiveness of affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity legislation has been vigorously debated for years, with advocates citing gains made by women and people of color in pay, organizational representation, and organizational status. Women, in general, have been the main beneficiaries of affirmative action and will be the biggest losers if it is overturned. The number of women entering the professions, including medicine, law and accounting, has increased substantially in 30 years. Women of all races have increased their share of professional positions in corporations. However, women have yet to achieve equality in the workplace as the gap in wages continues. Nationally, women earn 74 cents for every dollar earned by men. A National Academy of Science Report found that a significant proportion of these wage gaps could not be explained by factors such as education or work experience. Affirmative Action promotes the hiring of qualified people. It does not mean people should be hired just because they are minorities. It helps to broaden the range of people to be considered for employment in hopes of creating a more diverse applicant pool from which to choose. Groups of people are often stereotyped. In the case of sex stereotypes, these are attributes that are imparted to individual men and women simply by virtue of their sex. The impact of affirmative action on women may cause them to suffer the stigma of second-class citizenship as a result of preferential treatment, because they will be subjected to the presumption that they were hired not because of their qualifications but because of their gender. Affirmative action may therefore lead to the conclusion that the women hired under affirmative action are incompetent. If someone is thought to be hired or placed as a result of affirmative action efforts, then that supplies onlookers with a plausible and compelling explanation for the selection decision ndependent of the job incumbent†s qualifications for the position. Then the individual may be assumed to have been hired only because of her sex, with qualifications irrelevant to the selection process. Sex bias also has been demonstrated in decisions about pay raises, promotions, and employee utilization and training opportunities. Although sex may only be taken into consideration after hiring a person for their qualifications, it may only be assumed that they received their position because of affirmative action. Sometimes, affirmative action may create rather than alleviate problems for women by causing people to perceive them as possessing fewer of the characteristics deemed necessary for success in a traditionally male work context. If affirmative action promotes these negative conceptions, then there is a distinct possibility that rather than being a remedy for sex discrimination, it can be yet another contributor to the problem. Often, sex discrimination can be viewed through the â€Å"Glass Ceiling†. The Glass Ceiling refers to invisible, artificial barriers that prevent qualified individuals from advancing within their organization and reaching full potential. The term describes the point beyond which women managers and executives are not promoted. Although the barriers exist, it is hard to imagine how anyone can believe that treating people differently, or not promoting someone based on their sex is morally acceptable or financially responsible. Affirmative action policies are instrumental in providing women and minorities with the tools to help break through the glass ceiling, and create a more diverse workforce. Affirmative action policies provide equal opportunity to those groups who have been systematically denied it. Affirmative action is not the source of discrimination, but the vehicle for removing the effects of discrimination. Affirmative Action plans do not discriminate against anyone competing for any position. They actually increase the pool of qualified applicants by using aggressive recruitment and outreach techniques. The policies developed from the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action legislation do make a difference and are still necessary to assure a more equitable workforce. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Title VII is presumed to promote the hiring it is designed to protect. The logic underlying this presumption is simple: by making employers liable for failures to hire based on gender, the law raises the price of such discriminatory activity and produces less of it than would occur if employers were left completely free to hire whomever they wished. Women are more likely to be promoted in organizations with human resource programs that have affirmative action policies that consider the demographics of employees. Affirmative action in employment encompasses a broad range of actions and programs intended to ensure a fair chance at job opportunities for all Americans. Although it is suppose to eliminate discrimination, affirmative action is sometimes thought to be a source of reverse discrimination. When affirmative action was first implemented it was designed to be temporary, and now more than 30 years later it is still being used. The definition of it has grown and become far more intrusive than its designers could have imagined. Opponents of affirmative action believe no government law, program, or policy that makes distinctions based on race or gender can be beneficial. Government mandated reverse discrimination, under the politically correct guise of â€Å"affirmative action,† has failed to help minorities in a positive manner and has succeeded in continuing the trend of racially divisive policy. The majority group in an organization may sometimes feel threatened by diversity, because it means sharing their space with people who are different from them. Many people, both men and women, are opposed to affirmative action standards. Often, men do not like it because they think it will take away from their opportunities for employment or advancement within the organization. Some men also feel that they are being discriminated against just because they are men. Although affirmative action has been successful in helping women, they may still be opposed to the stigma attached to it if they are thought to be promoted due to the affirmative action standards, regardless of their qualifications. Some critics believe that affirmative action overcrowds the workforce with minorities or women with substantially lower qualifications. In the last several years cynical forces have tried to use race and ethnicity to divide America by claiming that affirmative action is detrimental and unfair to the majority because the programs contain â€Å"quotas† and â€Å"preferences† for people of color and women. After all, it is often assumed that if women were as qualified, as men were, they would not need help from affirmative action. This is a very negative connotation describing the women†s work ethic and the reason women have the need for affirmative action policies in the first place. Affirmative action is only in place to allow the opportunity for a more diverse applicant pool; the qualifications needed to perform the jobs remain the same. Both men and women can be equally qualified for a job, but the one that receives the offer should have an edge over the other candidate. Although some people view affirmative action as a form of reverse discrimination, it was originally conceived with good intentions. It has helped society to create a more diverse workforce. Affirmative action strengthens the nation by helping to provide equal opportunities to those who have been excluded unfairly. Affirmative action programs were never intended to last forever, however they are expected to remain in place so long as discrimination continues to deny equal opportunity to women and people of color. Affirmative action in employment encompasses a broad range of actions and programs intended to ensure a fair chance at job opportunities for all Americans. Affirmative action programs seek to remedy past discrimination against women, minorities, and others by increasing the recruitment, promotion, retention, and on-the-job training opportunities in employment and by removing barriers to admission to educational institutions. Because of the long history of discrimination based on sex and race, most affirmative action programs have been directed towards improving employment and education opportunities for women and minorities. Race, ethnicity, or gender may be but one factor considered among many others in evaluating qualified candidates. Discrimination continues to permeate American society and results in too many lost opportunities for everyone. The simple reality is that we have not reached the day where an individual†s gender, race or ethnicity is no more important than the color of their eyes or hair. As General Colin Powell noted when speaking about the current state of discrimination, â€Å"We†re not where we want to be- We are where we gotta be. † Reducing the nation†s commitment to equal opportunity by eliminating affirmative action programs for women and other minorities does not move us in the right direction. Until everyone is truly considered equal, affirmative action policies are needed to help ensure equality among genders. Affirmative action has been successful in promoting the advancements of minorities in the workplace. When affirmative action is used correctly, it is helpful by promoting equality for all. When it is abused, it has bad effects on society. Affirmative action may stigmatize or call into question the credentials of the qualified minorities. I believe that affirmative action was necessary to get where we are today in terms of equality. We have come a long way since the 1960†³s. Although, I think that if we were to do away with affirmative action, we would still continue to become a more diverse society. With women and minorities in the management positions of companies it is more likely that this diversification would continue even if we didn†t have affirmative action policies in place. This would probably eliminate some of the doubt people have when it comes to women being hired or promoted just because of affirmative action. It would totally be based on her qualifications. As of now, we cannot dismantle affirmative action and other organizational initiatives aimed at promoting equality in the workplace, and assume that sex discrimination will not occur. Sex discrimination has a long history and has proved highly resistant to efforts to eliminate it. But it is equally clear that Affirmative action as it is currently constructed, creates its own set of problems for those it intends to help. I believe that affirmative action policies will soon not exist, and everyone will be considered equal regardless of race, origin, or gender. Perhaps more than any other sentence in our rich written political heritage, these words from the Declaration of Independence embody the highest ideals of American democracy. We should remember these words and realize they are meant for every person in society. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

An Employee Perspective Essay

This error communication situation confuses employees’ performance and motivation. Moreover, let the job feedback become useless and destroy the employee relationship. Therefore, this assignment is to find out the problem of H&M’s Job Feedback by using employee perspective. Moreover, enables employees to become more loyal to the company while they also work toward achieving their long-term career goals. Keywords: Performance & motivation, Brainstorm, Job Feedback, EPAC Introduction & Background Feedback is an anomaly. People have a general sense that feedback is good to give and receive. Therefore, Immediate feedback is critical when we are learning, especially when we do not know what we do not know. Equally important are the attitude of the sender and recipient and the individual providing the critique (London, 2003). A good feedback will provide positive encouragement because they want to convey their genuine interest. When employees feel leadership has their best interest at heart, they are inclined to make corrections and more likely to modify their behavior. Most people want to perform well and they want to know when they are doing something incorrectly. They want constructive a positive feedback by the leader, and they appreciate criticism when it is present in a positive manner. Therefore, feedback is an essential ingredient of an employee development program because people use information about themselves to formulate their career goals, get better performance and motivation. H&M believe in being straightforward and apply the open door principle, which gives employee the right and opportunity to discuss work-related issues directly with management. However, in H&M Hong Kong, employee cannot search any good feedback to provide positive encouragement for their job, this situation shows very critical in the area of Part-time sales Advisor in Hong Kong. Managers are using less time to being seriously to the employee of Part-time sales Advisor. It is because the manager thinks they will not work as a long-term staff (less loyalty) and the role of Part-time staff is less important than the full-time staff. Manager tends to give less time to encourage them by using constructive feedback but Destructive feedback. Destructive feedback is abusive. Although the word â€Å"abusive† may seem extreme as a description of workplace behavior, it occurs, and can be destructive to employees’ performance, careers and self-esteem (Bassman 1992). Therefore, H&M Part-time employees are less receive any comment by their managers. Nonsensically, according to the HR Data of H&M at 2009, there are over a half (55%) of employees are Part-time in H&M around the world. mainly work as Part-time Sales- Advisor. Therefore, if the managers in Hong Kong keep ignore and use less time to encourage them by using constructive feedback.

Health Complications Caused by Chlamydia in Males

The topic I have chosen to link it with is Chlamydia n individuals aged 16-25. I am going to see whether the health promotion is used as a system of empowerment or a system of control. Main body Chlamydia can cause many complications in males and females, a few examples of these are; abdominal pain, pelvic pain, inability to get pregnant, potentially deadly octopi pregnancy, swelling in one/both testicles, fever and preventing a man from being able to father children states Brown, N (2013).The government are setting up ways to prevent this by setting up free Chlamydia screening to Individuals aged 0-25, this Is empowerment. By the government doing this It Is making Individuals take precautions and have regular checks. It also makes individuals respect themselves as when they know what Chlamydia can do to them they may also start using condoms to reduce the statistics of people contracting Chlamydia.It can also be seen as trying to control individuals as they are pushing/persuading th em to use contraception and keep getting themselves checked out after a new sexual partner, this Is because If individuals start becoming aware and checking themselves, and also using protection It will reduce the amount of money the INS are spending on treatment, (1 tablet or a weeks worth of antibiotics). The individuals that don't use protection or get checked out regularly could be having sexual relationships with others in the community and passing on the infection.This is why when individuals find out they have the infection they are advised to tell their past and current partners to get checked out as well. The antibiotics that are prescribed are the medical approach as It alms to prevent disease. This topic also links to behavior hang as it encourages individuals to adapt healthy behaviors, it is also a form of health education as the individuals are learning about Chlamydia also it is unlikely to be successful unless the individual is ready to take action.For example if an individual is not willing to use protection and/or get regular tests then there is not a lot that can be done, unless they decide to change their ways and try help themselves. The education approach also links to this as It alms to provide knowledge influence relating to Chlamydia as it aims to help individuals acquire the skills and inference to take greater control over their own health. For example if you are afraid of what your partner may say when you mention ‘protection' you are less likely to mention it, also if you are afraid of the result you may get from the screening tests you may decide not to take one.Social change also has a link to Chlamydia as it aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice, some individuals may be too scared to get help, take tests or mention anything. This is where individuals need to start making the right choice. The media is an influence on Chlamydia as it encourages individuals viewing it to stay safe, look after yourselves and others so you don't pass the infection around the community. The government are also an influence on Chlamydia as it is thanks to them that 16-25 year olds can gain free Chlamydia screening in clinics INS choices (2011).The critical understanding for health promotion is as follows, health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve; health of people, communities and populations says Reuters, T (2013). It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. Interventions to help change behaviors and environments in ways that are conductive to health. The main goals of health promotion are to reduce health risks and optimize health and productively while lowering total health-related costs.At its best, worksheet health promotion creates a culture that fosters vitality, motivation and overall effectiveness of human capital says (Erickson,2006). The role and relevance of health promotion is in tackl ing the determinants of health, elate promotion will include combinations of the strategies namely developing personal skills, strengthening community action, and creating supportive environments for health, backed by healthy public policy.Health promotion is a powerfully relevant strategy for social development, in particular as an important set of strategies to address the factors influencing inequalities in health. Health promotion also brings together all the principles that underlie a series of strategies that seek to support conditions that allow populations to be healthy and to make lately choices. The range of strategies draws upon behavioral sciences, public health, education and communication, to name a few, and their respective methodologies says health promotion agency (2009).Empowerment or control Within this essay I have stated both ways in which it is empowerment and control. However both have equal entitlement; I am swayed to say I personally think that the health pr omotion is more a system of empowerment. This is because the government are setting up schemes that are free for individuals aged 16-25 to access. This shows he empowerment that is given to individuals to look after themselves without a cost. Also condoms are given for free at the clinic where the Chlamydia screening is taken states (Scholar, Abraham, Kook and Gilmore, 2004).This is empowering people to take precautions so that they don't contract the infection. Another point is the media what can happen if they have the infection and don't get checked out. Conclusion Throughout this essay I have shown how health promotion can be used as a system of empowerment and a system of control. I have linked it together with my chosen epic; I have also linked health promotion within my topic to the different approaches that I have learnt about within my lectures.